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Question: Any Science Fiction Freaks Out There !.!.!.!.!.!?
I'm a big Sci Fi Freak and love reading the stuff! I prefer reading a good book more than watching movies!.

Who is your favorite Science Fiction Author!?

Please tell me your favorite books written by them!?

I like most anything written that includes the exploration of space and Ben Bova is my favorite author!. I like S!. M!. Stirling and many others!. I will read anything from anyone but love combat Sci Fi also!. David Drake (everything - especially the Belisarius series!) Elizabeth Moon (Heris Serrano) and her work with Anne McCaffrey (Sassinak) Keith Laumer (I love the Bolo Series!) David Weber http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/David_Weber

(http://baencd!.thefifthimperium!.com/09-At!.!.!. Honor Harrington) and Keith White along with so many others who are too numerous to mention!.

Talk to me!

If you just want 2 points then just say 2 and move on!. I'll still gve you a thumbs up!

I'm cool like that! (O_O) Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't really read Sci-Fi, I watch it more often than reading it!. I've seen some really good Science Fiction moviesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Frank Herbert is good!.

Vernor Vinge is a newer guy who writes intelligent space fiction!. Try his book "Fire Upon the Deep"!. It comes up on Internet searches!.

Larry Niven is good!. I have to say, though, that Larry Niven characters are always emotionally immature!. Makes me wonder about Larry!. Lol!.

cool guy, I really thank you for all those author's names you are listing, If I know any new ones, I let you know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi Phill nice to hear form you, appreciate it

Well I don't really know about Sci-Fic books and I am not too much interested in to them, except for Harry Potter I have read few and skimmed through others!.
The books that I like to read are Scientific: which relates to astronomy, cosmology and other great phenomenon in our existence!. Which really strikes me and my curiosity, which also had gotten me in trouble, I am as you can say Freak, I call it addicted!. The book I will tell you about If you are interested like me you will have to blind your self in order to stop reading!. I read astronomy books, watch lectures of Alex Feleppinko " Understanding the Universe: Intro to Astronomy, 2nd edition" very interesting!. Well when I do my astronomy study, so much that my school grades are lacking my and my parents requirements!.
I am running through my senior year and my feature are in the books and lectures that I communicate with!.
It is a problem for me well I talked enough garbage!. The book is
"Death by the Black Hole" By Neil deGrasse Tyson
Great book goes in deep details!.
I might have been off the topic but if you have the curiosity in astronomy it a great scientific book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My first and still favorite sci fi author is still Isaac Asimov, with the Foundation trilogy and his Caves of Steel/Naked Sun books as my favorites!. But I love Heinlein, especially Starship Troopers!. David Weber does good work with both sci fi and fantasy, and his Honor Harrington series is a hard-sci fi fan's feast!. An author I've been introduced to that I also like is John Scalzi!. check out Old Man's War!. There's also Gordon R!.Dickson, and the Dorsai series!. And like you, there are too many books and not enough time!. Not that I'm giving up!. I've got a pretty extensive collection, though I've lost way too many books over the years and am having to go back to replace them, when I can find them in print!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hey there,
i used to be a big sci-fi fan!. some of my favorite authors were (not necesarily in order) lester del ray, robert heinlein (mostly his earlier works), ray bradbury, arthur clarke, roger zelazney, larry niven, asimov, frank herbert, phillip k!. dick, anne mccaffery, dan simmons, greg bear, robert silverburg, david brin, jules verne, h!. g!. wells, j!. g!. ballard, gosh, how many more!. i can't ever remember reading a book by any of these people that i didn't enjoy!.

what i've done in the past is to do a search on google for favorite sci-fi stories ever!. i've printed out these lists in the past and read a lot of the books and stories on them!. same is true for other genres as well!. have fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com