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Question: Good books with a character named Ivy!?
Can you recommend a good book with a character named Ivy!? I already found Ivy by Julie Hearn!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"Audrey Rose" by Frank De Felitta


"When Elliot Hoover loses his wife and daughter, Audrey Rose, in a fiery car crash, his world explodes!. To heal his mental anguish and claim some peace, he visits a psychic who reveals to him that his daughter has been reincarnated into Ivy Templeton, a young girl living in New York City!. Desperate to reclaim anything from his daughter's past, he searches out Ivy, only to discover that the unbelievable is shockingly true-his daughter is back!. Now, in an effort to save her life, Hoover must choose between two horrifying possibilities-leaving his daughter's soul in torment, or taking the life of the young girl in whom she now lives!. "Www@QuestionHome@Com

hazel by julie heran is the follow up, about ivy's daughter called hazel!. its very good, and highly recommended, and involves sufferagetes and if you like ivy, you will like hazel!.

: ) Www@QuestionHome@Com

there's a vampire named ivy in the rachel mariana morgan series by kim harrison!.
there a girl called archive and is called her ivy in the harry blackstone copperfield dresden series by jim butcher!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dunno about books, but i found this really good harry potter fanfic with the main character called ivy!. its in james and lilys time!.!.!.!.!.its really good!
called "nobody sees me wishing"
happy reading!Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is a fun fantasy book called "Dragon on a pedestal" by Piers AnthonyWww@QuestionHome@Com

That's a weird question!.!.!. why does it matter what name the characters have!?

I'd answer, but I have no idea of any books with that :PWww@QuestionHome@Com