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Question: Did you like these books!?
If youve read these books will you tell me if you liked them and if they were a hard book to read!? also which is your favorite!?
Jane Eyre
Madame Bovary
Sense and Sensibility

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I've read Jane Eyre, Madame Bovary, and Sense and Sensibility!. My favorite of these three is definitely Jane Eyre; when I started reading it, I was expecting something similar to Jane Austen's books, but was pleasantly surprised to find that it was deeper and not!.!.!. fluffy!.

Sense and Sensibility was okay, but I read it after reading Pride and Prejudice and Emma, and was getting sick of Austen's one-dimensional characters by then!.

Madame Bovary I read a couple years ago and didn't like it when I read it--I thought Madame Bovary was annoying and that the writing was too flowery!. However, my appreciation for different literary styles has grown since then, so I might give it another try sometime!.

I don't think that any of these three are particularly hard to read, although I had to give the first few pages of Jane Eyre a couple tries before I got into it!. Well worth it though!!
I'll definitely have to get around to Rebecca and Middlemarch sometime in the near future!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of the five, I've read Sense and Sensibility and Rebecca!.

Sense and Sensibility was a wonderful book from start to finish!. Jane Austen was an amazing and very talented author!. You can't help but feel for Elenor as she struggles with the weight of loving a man whom she's not sure loves her back *while* she has to care for her distraught sister!. This book is heart-wrenching as well as heart-warming!.

Rebecca was!.!.!.wow!. Daphne du Maurier created a pure masterpiece with this one!. It's mysterious, it's gripping, it's eerie, it's twisted, it's a little romantic!.!.!.everything you could want in a novel!.

And since they are classics, they're more "advanced" reads, but that doesn't mean they should be tossed aside!. Classics are usually the best kinds of literature---they're classics for a reason, right!? There's a lot of depth in these books, as well as social commentary, that seem to be left out of more modern books!.

So, give them a shot!. I'm sure you won't be disappointed, especially if you happen to like reading classics!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of the five books you mentioned, I've read two : Sense and Sensibility and Jane Eyre!. I loved both of them - they're excellent!. These are regarded as classics, and I fully agree!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am still waiting to read Rebecca and Madame Bovary but Sense and Sensibility was good but Jane Eyre has been a fave of mine since I read it at 9 yrs old!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love these books!. For some people classic literature is hard to read but that might be because they just think its boring!. if you enjoy most classics then you should like them!. my favorite is jane eyreWww@QuestionHome@Com