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Position:Home>Books & Authors> How tolerant are you of strange/different things in books?

Question: How tolerant are you of strange/different things in books!?
By this I mean very!.!.!. different ideas!.
In the book I am writing, there is a certain development that I assure you no one has heard of before!. I know what you are thinking!. "Of course, SOMEONE'S thought of it!."
And you're right!. I'm sure they have!.!.!. but they've kept it to themselves!. I've researched, googled, read, and searched the library!. There is nothing quite like this!.

It isn't really a strange idea!. It just would take at least one chapter, maybe two, to really get used to it!. For me to explain things!.

My question: If you were to pick up a book that had been good, and then something very odd is revealed in chapter 7, would you throw the book down the second you read it, or would your curiosity compel you to find out more!?

I'm not saying, "Everyone who reads my book will LOVE it up to Chapter 7!." I'm not saying that at all!. But I am saying that there will of course be SOMEONE, (hopefully more than 1 someone) that will like it, and I don't want to push them away once they see a new idea presented to them!.

So how tolerant are you!? Would you throw a book down if it presented you with a new and slightly odd idea, or would you keep reading!?

I see books all the time that have weird, unnatural things in them!. I'm just afraid that MY thing is going to be rejected by everyone in the world!. The thing is, I really do know that SOME people would like the book if they continued reading!. I am just scared that EVERYONE will say, "Um, this is extremely strange, and I'm not even going to waste my time!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
for all your rambling, tolerance, here, will be based on what it is!. describing it merely as strange means naught!. strange, pertaining to this, i'm sure is going to be along the lines of a man who likes to eat cat assholes!. or fist penguins!. i understand that you can't throw out your truly innovative idea here, but the only way to find out is to write the damn thing and show others!. even if its really messed up, if you can justify it then it shouldnt be a problem!. if its too sensational, or boring, or absolute, incongruent nonsense, it will be tossed!. but, look, bottom line is that tolerance is usually determined on the spot!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

One of the things that a reader looks for in a book are new and interesting ideas, plots, developments, etc!. I have to admit to being a tad bit curious about your alleged "strange idea"!. I have read thousands of books and must admit that there are not really any new ideas!.!.!.just remade ones!. Please continue w/ your story!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Honestly, who cares if your ideas are rejected by "the world"!? Writing a book should be a more personal experience - write it the way you want it to be written, and that's that!.

And i'm sure if you're talented - no matter the weird stuff you write about (I mean, have you READ Dean Koontz!? Eep), you'll most likely be recognized for the way you write!. So chill!. =] And good luck! Write about what you wanna right about!Www@QuestionHome@Com