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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Agatha Christie would have been 118 yrs old today, Sept. 15th?

Question: Agatha Christie would have been 118 yrs old today, Sept!. 15th!?
I am a fan of Agatha Christie, I believe it is very hard to write entertaining detective novels, even harder than normal novels, because there has to be a plot and one that makes sense and still is not easy to decipher!.!.!. People say Agatha Christie was a good entertainment writer but not a great writer!. I also admire the detective stories of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle!.!. Sherlock Holmes, I guess they too are thrilling but again will be considered more entertaining and less considered for their quality!.!.!. who of all mystery writers of the past had it both then if not Agatha Christie and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle!.!. great entertainment mystery stories and great writing style!.!. Could you name any authors of the past!.!.!. not the present who were mystery writers who had both assets!.!. to write mesmerizing stories in good style!. !.!. and in your opinion is it true that Agatha Christie was more renowned for her ideas to write with great entertainment or also as a good writer!.!.!. I believe she had both but I would like to know who was really a great mystery writer of the past!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Raymond Chandler immediately comes to my mind!. His detective novels might not be as mysterious as Agatha Christie′s but still they are both very entertaining and have compelling plots!.

I believe the idea of a plot-driven novel is often criticized unjustly: I just love a good story!. And in that context Christie is nearly unbeaten in her field!. I was never bored a second reading one of her stories!. Writing is my main profession and I am convinced it is one of the hardest things for an author to put together a story that people really enjoy while reading!.

In my opinion she is one of greatest personalities of English literature!. Not only did she write 66 novels (wow) and sold more than two billion books until today: Her stories were the first English (as my second language) novels I read when I was in school!. And I still enjoy them today!. also the many screen adaptations made her contribution to popular culture immortal!.

As an author she was a master in developing plausible characters: She invented countless absorbing people who you never grow tried of!. When she introduced the world-famous Miss Marple, an elderly lady, Agatha Christie herself was only 40!.
also we must consider that other female authors of the past primarily built their novels around female protagonists!. Agatha Christie on the other hand seemed to have no problem telling from the point of view of male characters - like the arrogant but intriguingly fascinating Hercule Poirot!. So to me Agatha Christie was a genius writer!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Only 118!? Do you think she was -- GASP -- MURDERED!?

I do think plot-driven fiction written in a literary style is harder to organize for the author than just writing character-driven novels that don't have as concrete a plot, but I haven't read enough of her work to comment!. I'm not a fan of genre fiction in general!. Her work does seem to hold up, and will likely still be popular 100 years from now!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

dear vera,

i have read she has completed a novel during a train journey!.

why sudden interest in old lady!.

old is gold!.

osama also good!.

he never wrote the book world trade centre 9/11
but executed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She has a great imagination just as good as our Stephen King they are equally matched with great talents and awesome stories!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dorothy Sayers was a good mystery writer, she wrote mainly in the 20's and 30's ( I think)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
