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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Recommend a book for me (of the fantasy, sci-fi or magical realism genre)?

Question: Recommend a book for me (of the fantasy, sci-fi or magical realism genre)!?
My favorite series/books (in order)
1) George R!. R!. Martin's Song of Ice and Fire
2) Robin Hobb's Farseer Tril!. and Tawny Man (especially the last book)!.
3) Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth (at least the first 4)

Other books:
1) Robinson Crusoe (my favorite book of all time)
2) Jonathon Strange and Mr!. NorrelWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The House on the Borderland , The Ghost Pirates or The Night Land written by William Hope Hodgson !.
"In 1877, two gentlemen, Messrs Tonnison and Berreggnog, head into Ireland to spend a week fishing in the village of Kraighten!. While there, they discover in the ruins of a very curious house a diary of the man who had once owned it!. Its torn pages seem to hint at an evil beyond anything that existed on this side of the curtains of impossibility!. This is a classic novel that worked to slowly bridge the gap between the British fantastic and supernatural authors of the later 19th century and modern horror fiction!. Classic American horror writer H!. P!. Lovecraft lists this and other works by Hodgson among his greatest influences!."
"The Ghost Pirates !. !. !. is a powerful account of a doomed and haunted ship on its last voyage, and of the terrible sea-devils (of quasi-human aspect, and perhaps the spirits of bygone buccaneers) that besiege it and finally drag it down to an unknown fate!. With its command of maritime knowledge, and its clever selection of hints and incidents suggestive of latent horrors in nature, this book at times reaches enviable peaks of power!." — H!.P!. Lovecraft
The Night Land
by William Hope Hodgson
[O]ne of the strangest visions ever published in science fiction or fantasy is presented!. The Sun has gone out: the Earth is lit only by the glow of residual vulcanism!. The last few millions of the human race are gathered together in a gigantic metal pyramid, the Last Redoubt, probably the first arcology in literature, under siege from unknown forces and Powers outside in the dark!. These are held back by a Circle of energy, known as the "air clog," powered from the Earth's internal energy!. For millennia, vast living shapes - the Watchers - have waited in the darkness near the pyramid: it is thought they are waiting for the inevitable time when the Circle's power finally weakens and dies!. Other living things have been seen in the darkness beyond, some of unknown origins, and others that may once have been human!.?a Excerpted from The Night Land on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia!.



You can't possibly list sci-fi without having 'Ender's Game' by Orson Scott Card on your list!. Epic beyond classification!.

I then diverge from the three listed genres to offer 3 interesting and worth-while variants of Robinson Crusoe:
Castaway by James Gould Cozzens, where a modern day Crusoe is trapped inside a department store while the world outside, supposedly, whithers and dies!.
Pincher Martin by William Golding, where a man is stranded on a rock in the middle of the ocean!.!.!.no island, just a rock!.
Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo, with the main character being a man suffering war injuries that deprive him of arms, legs, and the ability to speak!. He also loses his senses of sight, smell, taste and hearing!. He is, from beginning to end, a head with a torso, and he can only feel and think!.

Trumbo's story makes Defoe look pathetic (which isn't to say I didn't like Crusoe!.!.!.quite the opposite)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love fantasy novels!. My favourites are:

Harry Potter Series by J!.K Rowling!.
The Tide Lords Series by Jennifer Fallon!.
The Trinity Series by Fiona McIntosh!.

Some other books you may enjoy are:
The Wheel of Time Series by Robert Jordan!.
The Lord of the Rings by Tolkein!.
The Sword of Shannara Series by Terry Brooks!.
Magician by Raymond E!. Feist!.

Need any more let me know! :)


Gabriel Garcia Marquez's books - especially One Hundred Years of Solitude!. The best magical realism piece that I read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"The Hero and the Crown" and "The Blue Sword" by Robin McKinley (fantasy), any books by Storm Constantine, and "The Hobit" and "Lord of the Rings" trilogy by J!.R!.R!. Tolkien (fantasy)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Harry Potter series
Twilight seriesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Wicked by Gregory MaguireWww@QuestionHome@Com