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Question: Does Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen get any better after the first few chapters!? !?
I recently finished reading the first three chapters of Pride and Prejudice!. My friend recommended it to me!. It's supposedly a beautiful romance story which I have been looking forward to!. However, the beginning is a bit hard to get through!. I don't know; Maybe it's because I'm not used to this writing style!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I know it was really hard for me to understand so i went to the library and got tapes for the book and read a long while i listened to the tapes!. it was way easier!!its a really good book i loved the middle of the book because that's when it starts getting int resting!!i recommend for you to finish the book! but i also recommend to get the tapes or Cd's for the book its a lot funner!!you feel like your watching a movie!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was the same way for me!. If it's hard for you to understand, then I highly recommend that you wait until you think you'll be able to understand it better, because then it will take away from the story if it's hard for you to follow or adjust to her style of writing!. It was better the second time i read it, but I was sad that I didn't get to experience the surprises or anything!. try reading one of her other books first (except for emma)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course it picks up after the first few chapters!
Actually, the beginning is really the most important part of the entire novel: Elizabeth and Darcy meet and they decide to loathe the other due to personality traits!. It's all a huge misunderstanding, though!.

Jane Austen is a wonderful writer, but as the first answerer pointed out, she is not for everyone!. No author is!. I'd suggest to keep going, but if you find that you just!. can't!. stick!. with!. it!., then watch the movie (Keira Knightley's version is good, but the BBC adaptation is better---it's six hours long, but you won't miss a detail!. And besides, who could pass up Colin Firth as Mr!. Darcy!?!)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jane Austen is really one of those authors that you either really enjoy or you really hate!. Her style of writing is so different that I didnt really enjoy her books at all, but I suggest you try and plough through it because maybe after you get used to the writing you may like it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The story itself is beautiful and engaging but if you have difficulty with the style and language it is written in then you are in for a long!.!.!.!.reading!.!.!.it is the same throughout the book and even in her other books!.!.!.great story though!
Good luck!.!.!.!.
I had the same problem!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jane Austen is an amazing writer!.!.one of the greatest in the english language!.!.HOWEVER!.!.some people just don't dig that sort of writing!. I would say that yes, it does pick up after a few chapters!. Www@QuestionHome@Com