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Position:Home>Books & Authors> In your opinion, who do you deem is the WORST "best-selling" author ev

Question: In your opinion, who do you deem is the WORST "best-selling" author ever!? !?
I would have to say Stephenie Meyer, author of the horribly-written Twilight "Saga!." Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
oh my gosh!. thank you! i thought me and my friends were the only ones who didn't like stephanie meyer! we hate her bc they compare her to Harry Potter and they think shes better then J!.K!. Rowling!.!. but but shes not!. and who wants to read about vampires and vampires having sex!? i mean seriously!.

sorry, i dont dislike stephanie meyer just bc people think shes better thank JK Rowling!. I just dont like her books and everyone loves her and i just dont get it!. It's my opinion so dont get mad at me, Samantha Cullen!.

i looked at this question and was like, "Oh, that one girl who wrote all those stupid twilght books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stephanie Meyer is definitely up there!. I work in the children's section of a library and everyone is always asking for Twilight or New Moon or the other ones (whatever they're named), and I don't know how often I've said that the waiting list is about sixty people long and good luck finding a paperback in readable condition!. I just can't wrap my head around the obsession, especially in people past the age of 15!.

But anyway, yes to Meyer and yes to Patterson!. And Danielle Steel!. Oh, Nora Roberts, too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i respect your opinion on Stephenie Meyer, but i do not agree with you!. At all!. Sorry!. But i also do like JK Rowling!.

And to that other girl who answered, who would not like Stephenie Meyer just because she was compared to JK Rowling!?! Shes another good author! Get over the fact that she could be better then JK!. Seriously!. Sure, Harry Potter was good, but it kinda dragged on, and with Twilight, Stephenie meyer DID have a plot! and it was a really good one if you ask me!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was going to say Stephenie Meyers, but you beat me to it!.

In second place, I'll award Robert James Waller for his awful 1992 best-seller "The Bridges of Madison County"!. It was essentially, the 90's bored housewife equivalent of "Twilight"!. Every bored housewife in the country went berserk over it!. (Mercifully, it was a lot shorter than "Twilight"!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't see why people get so vicious when it comes to the Twilight saga!. Stephenie's writing isn't that bad, it's just the plot that's the problem!. She's a good story teller!. People are constantly taking her lack of plot-making skills as bad story telling!.!. People should really just give her a break!. Twilight was and is popular because of the romance in the book, in case no one has realized!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree on the Stephanie Meyer vote, but I also have to throw Danielle Steele in there!. I don't know if she is necessarily a "best-selling" author, but overrated and overexposed at the least!. Why that woman wrote so many horrible books I will never know, but people keep buying them!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I could hardly think of a more fitting description!. Yes, you're right, no one is more deserving than S!. Meyer and her rock "literature" written in SMS language!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

LOL @ Catherine E's answer! "The Bridges of Madison Country"!.!.!. that book was the cheesiest piece of garbage, and I remember that coming out, and women were practically fighting in the bookstores over grabbing the last available copies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ah, evil!. her books are awesome!. i love the twilight series, but i do love her book the host better!. worst bestselling author, James Patterson!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was about to say Stephenie Meyer also!.
Her writing style isn't all that great (compared to some best-selling authors) and her story "plots" aren't wonderful either!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think Paris Hilton had an autobiography go to number 5 spot on the wallstreet journal, I would have to go with her!.!.!. (But i like the Twilight Saga lol)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I haven't bothered with the Twilight series because I've heard it's so much drivel!. But Dean R!. Koontz would have to be on my list!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I vote Stephanie Meyer!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Koontz or Patterson for sureWww@QuestionHome@Com

kay id say your wrong!.!.!.but thats just me!.
i prefer to say jk rowling is just cause her stuff is way longer than it really has to be!.
at least stephenie was going somewhere the whole time except when she got real mushy and all it talked about was how obsessed bella was with edward!. real ANNOYINGWww@QuestionHome@Com