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Position:Home>Books & Authors> How is Bella from Twilight down-to-earth?

Question: How is Bella from Twilight down-to-earth!?
I need examples from the book showing that Bella Swan is down to earth!. I need this for a book report!. 1st ligit answer gets best answer!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Firstly, down to earth does NOT mean serious!. It sort of means modest, thinking of yourself as something less or no better than what you really are!.

Personally, I think Bella is a whining little baby!. I can't stand her, and if she was real, I would probably slap her!. But the way that she could be viewed as down to earth is this: she thinks she is nothing!. She doesn't think she is good enough for anyone!. She doesn't acknowledge that she might be attractive, that she might be smart, that she might be a good person, etc!.

She thinks the people around her are better and more deserving, even though it's not always true!. She doesn't see herself as high and mighty!. She barely even sees herself at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ummmmm well she isn't really down to earth!.
she judges jessica and eric!.
the only reason she notices the cullens is because they're "breath takingly beautiful"
she only notices edward is because he's a "god-like" dude
etc etc etcWww@QuestionHome@Com

well down to earth means really serious and i really dont view bella as that so i dont know sorryWww@QuestionHome@Com