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Question: An American Childhood - Vocabulary!? Help please!!?
I was required to read An American Childhood for my AP English class, and do a series of reports on it!. Which I did!. However, I forget that I was supposed to record fifteen vocabulary words for the novel, i!.e!. words that were obscure, not commonly used, and that I might not know!. And I already returned the book to the library and cannot get it before I have to turn this project in!.

I looked on google and sparknotes and could find nothing on the specific words she used!. So if anyone who has read this novel could spare a few words for me, I would be eternally grateful!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You are the only one who will be able to tell if a word is one with which you are unfamiliar!. Google Books http://books!.google!.com/books!?id=F_pxAhp!.!.!. has a limited preview of the book (i!.e!., some sections of the book cannot be read & what is online is by permission of the publisher)!.

You can search through it and find those fifteen words!.

I hope this helps you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com