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Question: Anybody recognize this book!?
It's about some people living on an isolated mountain; they have hair like snow and eyes like glacial ice!. One day a giant bird drops a baby girl with golden hair and brown eyes, and she is found by an elderly huntsman, who takes her home and raises her!. She grows up to be the most skillful rug-weaver in the land, and befriends the crabby old wise woman!. She also falls in love with the handsome prince, but because she's so strange-looking to the mountain people, she doesn't think she has a chance of him loving her in return!.
One day a giant invades the mountain and starts wrecking havoc!. The girl learns from the wise woman that she can trap the giant with an enchanted net, which she then makes!. I don't remember how, but the giant is defeated, and the girl marries the handsome prince and they have a lot of kids!.
One more thing: every name of anything on the mountain starts with a "T"!.
If you recognize this book, please let me know; I read it once years ago and have been trying to find it ever since!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I believe it's Tatsinda by Elizabeth Enright!. I loved this as a kid!Www@QuestionHome@Com

WOW!!!!!!!!!! That story emcompasses so many possible stories I can't narrow it down!.

Do you remember if its a young adult book or contemporary!?

I've tried finding this book and can't!.Www@QuestionHome@Com