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Position:Home>Books & Authors> WRITERS! When seeking an agent, it says, home 10%, overseas 15%...?

Question: WRITERS! When seeking an agent, it says, home 10%, overseas 15%!.!.!.!?
What exactly do they mean by "overseas"!? If they are in the UK, does it mean they take 15% from writers outside the UK!? Or does it mean when they reach the overseas market, they take 15%!? Or what!?

Thanks in advance!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Typically, it means that when they obtain a publisher for the overseas market, they charge 15% for those sales!. I don't know, if you get an agent from the UK (and you're American), if they consider the US "overseas"!. I'm guessing that they do, and I'm not sure why you'd seek a UK agent for US representation - they can't possibly know the US publishing houses as well as an agent from the US!.Www@QuestionHome@Com