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Question: Is Twilight the book good!? !?
I have not read the book Twilight yet but there seems to be a lot of hype(sp) about it!. I plan on reading it!. Is it really that good!?(if you have read it of course)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You are going to have a lot of radical answers!. People ether LOVE it or DESPISE it!. My recommendation is to read amazon's page for Twilight!. I'll provide the link!. It's shows reviews from people who give it a 1 star and from people who gave it a 5 star!.

It's a fast paced, well written vampire romance geared toward an audience anywhere from 13-15 years of age!. If you are older than that you make get impatient with the style of writing, but other wise I agree with the majority when I saw they are great reads!.


I advise you to save yourself and please, DO NOT read the book if you do not want your brain to rot!. Unless you were bored out of your mind and you felt like anything intelligent would kill you, then perhaps you could read it for its fluff factor!. But please realize that it is poorly written and has no literary value whatsoever except to point out the stark difference between good and terrible literature!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

OMFG HOW COULD YOU ASK THAT!!? Ahhh!.!. of course it is!. It's like the best book ever!. No, seriously, it is! The four books in the series are my favorite four books!. Once you read it, I know you'll love it (: Just watch!. You'll get the Twilight obsession syndrome!.!. don't worry, many of us have it!.

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It is very biased for me to say this I suppose!.

However, the story was written poorly!.

I thought Jacob, not Edward the main character, was better to Bella!.

I liked it alot because it was a vampire/werewolf romance and it held magic!.


It depends on what you like I think, but almost every teenage girl that read it liked it!. It's a true love-story with plenty of laugh-out-loud parts!. I love it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its the best book ive ever read in my entire life, and im not even done with it!

go to my site to read it online NOW for FREE


its awesome

the whole series is thereWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm 34!. I loved the entire series!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Um!.!.!. Yes! at first i was a little skeptical about the plot or the story out line but it is so worth reading!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think so!. It's a love story!. Mostly girls 12-15 are reading this book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
