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Question: I'm confused on fahrenheit 451!?
Hey there!. (: So we are reading fahrenheit 451 in english class, and it's confusing me, now we just started, so please don't spoil anything for me! I have a few questions:

What is a wall to wall circuit!? Is it like a TV, the part where Mildred is like doing the play thing, is it like at TV!?

What exactly is "The Hound"!? My english teacher described it as like a bomb thing that like takes out the bombs or something, but kills things, help!?

Why do they exactly burn books!? Because they are offensive!?

Thanks! (:Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Circut is a room which is completely surrounded--wall to wall-- by a tv!. It plays mindless tvs hows, kind of like family dramas, but much more unsettling!. If I'm not mistaken, Montag's wife doesn't have all four walls put up yet!. Some of the 'richer' people do!.

The hound is a little robotic dog that has a needle that comes out of it's head that administers a lethal dose of medicine!.

They burn books because it is a futuristic society and they do not like people to have their own original thoughts!. Everything is controlled!. The tv shows, marriage, work assignments, etc!. Books make people think and for ideas!. In this society that is against the rules!.

Anyway, it's a great book!. Ray Bradbury is a very sophisticated author and his style and completed works are intriguing!. Keep reading!. (:Www@QuestionHome@Com

We're reading that in our english class too! I think a wall to wall circuit is like a TV, because Mildred is always watching it, but it could be kind of interactive, because she can talk to characters with it too!.
The hound can smell the chemical balance of people and uses it to track them down and euthanize people or animals!.
They burn books to make everyone equal, They started because it was offensive they also burn books because people didn't want to read them, so the people that did read them were looked on as weird!. I hope I helped, That book gets good, I think, though the ending confused me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The wall to wall curcuit are huge tv screens from floor to ceiling!. You buy them!.!.!.richer people have all 4 but some people have 1 or 2 or 3 only!.

The Hound is an emotionless, 8-legged killing machine that can be programmed to seek out and destroy free thinkers, hunting them down by scent!.

They burn the books because they don't want people to read them and get ideas!.!.!.they don't want people thinking for themselves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everybody, I just want you all to know that these all were way back in the 1950s Ray Bradbury had his own thought of what all these things were and he uses all of the detail so that you can create you're own image of what the hound is, and the wall to wall circuit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe that this movie is available on DVD which I think will be beneficial to some of your answers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read that book too!.
My mind was like "WTF" the whole time!.