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Question: Dead Until Dark Vs Twilight!?
I am First and foremost a Stephanie Meyer Twilight fan for Life; I enjoy her take on the vampire world!. But like everyone else I have tried reading other authors take on Vampires like Charlane Harris’s southern Vampire series that came out before Twilight!. What I found interesting was that the two series had allot in common!.
Sookie steakhouse is a small town girl who falls head over heels for an immortal vampire named bill, bill cannot hear thoughts like Edward but Sookie Can, With the exception of vampires!. Sookie is also Bills “Exact Brand of Heroin” but unlike Edward and Bella’s no biting relationship Bill does get to drink her blood!. Now the southern vampire novels were written for an adult audience, so there is some content that Stephanie Meyer would never write!. One more weird similarity is that another possible love interest for Sookie is a shape shifter named Sam who prefers to shift into a Dog!.!.!.!.
Is it just me or are some people beginning to wonder exactly where Stephanie Meyer got her inspiration from when it came to plot!? And character profiling!?

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Mrs!. Meyer has said in several interviews she did not read any other type of vampire profiles, not even Buffy!. A lot of adult books about vampires would not be good for her to read, since they are not fitting for religion!. So yes, there are similarities between these two series, but that doesn't mean Stephenie copied!.

How many other books are there where a girls falls in love with a vampire!?

All of JR Ward
Vampire Kisses
Some of AAR

It's a timeless plot!. As for the 'exact brand' Bill doesn't say that exactly!. He describes Sookie as being fitting because they are also lovers!. Which makes the connection between them stronger!.

So, I think it's safe to say your assumption is wrong, but it was interesting how you tied it together!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Okay, so I've never read any other vampire books than Twilight, I don't want to be rude to my Edward :) but who cares!? Twlight forever! And, by the way- she got her inspiration from a dream about a vampire guy and a human girl in a pretty meadow!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

who cares!? twilight is awesome and meyer writes her own work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

idk but twilight rules!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight is AMAZING!!!!!!!! Dont make fun!!!!!!!! Steph writes her own work!!! Www@QuestionHome@Com