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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I have to write a story on this aphorism: "insert here" and I don'

Question: I have to write a story on this aphorism: "insert here" and I don't know how or what to write!.!.!.!.ideas!?
The aphorism is: A fool and his money are soon parted!."

My character's name is Tom, which is a short version of tom-foolery!.
I have the first few paragraph:

Once upon a time, there lived a young man named Tom!. Tom was very rich, and he would often boast about how little he had to worry about in life!. Whenever someone would ask him why that was so he would respond, “What is there to worry about!? I have my money, and that is all I need!. What is there that I cannot obtain with my money!?” Tom’s friends would always agree with Tom, for they too, enjoyed his money!.

>< That's ALL I could think of!. I don't know what to do!. I have a basics map: He comes upon a problem that he cannot solve with money, loses everything, including his friends, which only stayed around him because of his money, and learns that money cannot buy everything!.
Any ideas!? xD
If you do, please keep it school appropriate!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If this man is truly a fool, then how did he hold on to the money for this long!? I mean up to the opening of the story!. I would make Tom a fool who comes upon money by chance and looses it based on his character flaw (he's a fool)!. The classical thing to do would to make him find money and boast and tries to impress people as he walks home!. Each time he does someone tricks him into giving them money!. The traditional number would be three; three different people who fool him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com