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Question: Should my friend write a book!?
Me my mom and our friend and her daughter were talking in the car while going through Skaneatles Ny and i metioned to our friend she should write a book after she told us about her going to this one place we saw she said she saw a ghost of a soldier in a house and she said shed like to and her daughter whos 16 wanted her to write the book but she would help!. She knows a lot of cool stories about seeing Loons and Bears and wildlife and ghosts what kind of book should she write just short stories about what she saw and how can she sell it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
She could definitely write a book - if not to have it published, just "for fun"!. I don't really know how to go around selling it, but I suppose maybe by contacting a publishing company!? Or sending some of the material in, and going from there!?
Good luck =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Personally that is not something i would buy but if she wants to write a book that is very good!. She can can also get a agent to help her sell it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In my opinion, if she needs to ask if she should write a book, then she shouldn't!.
Writing is something that needs to come from the heart and you need to be passionate about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Before your friend starts to write a book she might want to consider writing short stories which she can then adapt into a series of books, or build into a single book!. A well written short story can provide a blueprint for a longer piece of work!. You can also adapt your work into stage and screen plays if you choose to do so!. There is no need for a college degree to start writing, and you can begin at any age!.

If she wants to have her work published I recommend checking out the classified section of Poets and Writers magazine at www!.pw!.org!. They always have editors looking for new voices, and it can be read for free at the website!.

If she wants to self-publish, she could do through a print on demand site, such as www!.cafepress!.com!. Cafepress provides each person a "store", and you can upload a wide variety of things such as books, artwork, etc!. Publicity is up to you, but if something sells they print it, mail it, bill it and send you a check!. If you upload one item, such as a book, the site is free!. If you upload thousands of items it's about $5 per month!. Many people upload their work and buy copies themselves when they want to give them as presents!.Www@QuestionHome@Com