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Question: Ideas for my short story!?
For my creative writing class we have to write a short story based on an urban legend or one we make up!. Mine is about a man who is germaphobic, neurotic, and afraid to leave his apartment!. The entire story takes place in his apartment!. By the end of the sory he dies!. What is an ironic way for him to die that has something to do with his phobias!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
He stays in his apartment because life is so dangerous!. Then he slips and falls in his tub and cracks his head and is knocked unconscious and bleeds to death!. Since he never lets anyone in, no one notices until he begins to smell!.!.!. by that time, the people who come in must wear protective gear because of all the germs that grew on his dead body!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In his neurotic state, he is pacing around his apartment when an envelope is slipped under the door!. He sees it and thinks, Oh my god, someone is trying to do me in with a packet of germs they have concealed in this enveIope!. What'll I do!. He goes to the kitchen and gets a salad scissor - the two-piece plastic kind - and picks up the envelope at arm's length and rushes around trying to find a place to dispose of it!. The waste basket, the toilet, the sink!? All no good because the germs will just cling to the edges of something and climb back into the room and get me in my sleep!. How about the window!. Yes, he'll toss it out the window, to join the billions of microbes out there in the city's atmosphere!. Then he'll shut and seal the window instantly!. He opens the window and in his haste and anxiety, twists the salad scissor so it come apart and drops on the floor!. The envelope lands on the inner sill where closing the window would leave it half inside and half out!. In a panic, he makes a swipe at it to brush it outside, steps on the salad scissor and slips, and - well, you guessed it, he topples out the window which is, alas, on the 40th floor!.

The envelope, by the way, contained a lab report saying that he is perfectly healthy except for a mild tendency toward hypochondria!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

He could die from a lung condition acquired by his constantly breathing the fumes of cleaning fluids -- or, for a more instantaneous death, he could become poisoned in the same way, inhaling amonia in a closed space, perhaps! I think that if you are seeking irony for your germaphobe, he would definitely need to die from something related to his constant cleaning!Www@QuestionHome@Com

alcohol intoxication from using alcohol based germicides!? or he has a pet that transmits a disease cross species!. Or he kills off all his intestional bacteria by taking too many meds and what not, and thus dies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com