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Question: What are good audio books!?
My local library has slim pickings, but I do need something to do with my time, my drive is 4 hours, and I take it two and from in the weekend (not all weekends, and my car has amazing mpg) I would like to stay away from anything on the big religions unless its discussing other views!. Otherwise I am open, I have listened to some book about where I food comes from!.!.!. and am just finishing the book "Bliss" Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well a lot of the time i look on itunes to see what the latest top ten audio books are and look more about them from there!. I suggest you look there sometimes i find really interesting aduio books there and i'm able to read reviews about the audiobook!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"On The Road" by Jack Keroac It is an 8 tape set, I am on the end of tape 7!. There is no real plot!. It is the travels of some writers in the 1940's shortly after WWII!. Keroac writes with enthusiasum no matter what he writes about!. Wether he is describing an opra house or an abandonded miners shack in Nevada!. He does most of his travelling by hitch hike, and it seems half the time he is not sure where he is going!. He and his writer friends have been described as the original "beatniks" Through out the book, where ever he is, when he gets the urge, he packs up and leaves!. Www@QuestionHome@Com