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Question: What If Breaking Dawn Finished Like This!?
Please read this below , if you like to understand what I'm saying!. It's a fan fiction , written by an eventual Anti Twilighter:

"I traced the frame of the picture!. The glass was cracked, and coated with dust!. I drew spirals at the centre, until the photo became clearer to me!. Edward rummaged around behind me, looking into empty cardboard boxes!. I turned back to the photo!. It was Edward, no doubt, and a human!. He held her protectively around the shoulders, in a living room!. The way he held her, from that one picture, I could tell she had surely meant something to him!. I smiled to myself!.
'What was her name!?,' I asked!.
I sensed him look up as he made his way towards me!. His hands slid around my waist and pulled me towards him!.
'What!?' he asked, clearly not acknowledging the photo frame in my hands, or my question!.
I held up the picture!.
'What was her name!?'
I felt him stiffen, and inhale sharply!.
'Her name's Bella,' he spat out, his words sharpening at the name!.
Then he exhaled and gave a sharp laugh!. He let go of me and went back to the boxes!.
'What happened to her!?' I said, grinning!.
'Nothing!. Nothing ever happened to her!. Waste of a century, you could say,'
I looked at him mockingly!.
'Why do you say that!?'
'Look at her!. Why do you think I say that!?'
I shook my head!. The smile lingered on his lips!.
'I don't know!. Did she mean something to you!?'
'What kind of- Look, what is this!? Are you jealous!? You don't have to be!.,' He crawled back behind me and pulled me close to him!. His breath tingled on my neck as he spoke 'You know you're the only one!.'
I spun around and grabbed the back of his neck as I pulled him closer to me!.
The photo frame fell and shattered to a million pieces!."

-- Personally , I would have loved to finish like this!. It would have been thousands of times better and less boring and shallow than the actual book!.
What are your thoughts on this!?

Credits to: http://answers!.yahoo!.com/question/index;!.!.!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Haha!. It's amazing how much better this is, writing quality-wise, than the actual best seller!. Sad, isn't it!?

And if it HAD ended like that, I would have loved it!. Somebody needs a "sad" ending!. If Bella and Edward's relationship had crumbled that way but Jacob had fallen in love with a girl or whatever- gotten his happy ending, it would have been fine!. It would have even been fine if Bella and Edward had a happy-ish ending but Jacob didn't!.

Aki is completely right!. Meyer violated some of the major rules of writing and that's why I can't stand it!. It's funny, because I was just reading part of this classic text called "Elements of Style" by Strunk and White!. It's all about giving students writing advice!. And it's amazing how many of them Meyer *didn't* follow!.

Some examples: Do Not Overwrite, Avoid Fancy Words, Use Figures of Speech Sparingly, Do Not Construct Awkward Adverbs (the examples given are "tiredly" and "tangledly!.")!.!.!.!.

I know I kind of got off topic, but I just wanted to bring that up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward with someone other than Bella!?! NO! It was pretty interesting though, all wrong, but interesting lol!. I don't know, I personally loved the way Breaking Dawn ended and appreciated how much more mature it was!. Just my take on it though!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's written really well but I'm not very keen on the plot!. Read my follow up to Breaking Dawn and review please -

LOL!!!!! Who's he with!? Tanya!?

OMG I acc love it! I want to read the whole thing, too bad you don't have the link to the whole thing :(Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would have preffered this ending than breaking dawn!. But of course, I doubt Meyer would have ever considered something like this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really liked it but i don't want him with Tanya
i want him with bella
they are cute togetherWww@QuestionHome@Com

That would be pretty cool!. A lot more interesting than the real ending!. this fanfiction was very well written too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont get it!. pls explain it more!.

what happened to Renesmee (Nessie)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I liked the books ending :-DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Oh my god, I would LOVE if this is the way it had ended!
I want to read the whole fanfic now!. xDWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't like it!. It needs more explanation!. also, it is just wrong!. The whole point of Twilight was Bella and Edward being together!. I haven't even read the last book yet, but I do know what happens and even that is better than this!. This would be a crazy twist that I might enjoy in other situations and with other characters, but it just wouldn't fit in the Twilight world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i agree that "breaking dawn" was a little boring and predictable, i liked it okay but wish it had been different!.
i really like this ending but would have liked a little more info!. what happened to bella, who is edward with, where are they!? etc!. even with those questions it was an interesting ending and definitely not predictable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, the whole point of the series is Bella and Edward's being together, but I think an ending like this would be better on the characters because Bella and Edward faced absolutely nothing that strengthened them as people!. What they faced in the entire series did nothing to develop their characters!.

If there were an ending like this, there would definitely be some character development!. But you know how Meyer is!. She's never read a book on writing in her life!. She doesn't know what a deux ex machina is!.

And how would an ending like this be wrong!? What was wrong was the deux ex machina Meyer had!. That's wrong!. It's breaking a rule in writing, and a lethal rule at that!.

In case you answerers don't know what that is, it's when an author does everything possible to revert a bad situation!. That's considered illegal on so many levels!. It's why Breaking Dawn was hated so much!. Many of her readers disliked the deux ex machina, the fact that Bella got her happy ending without much of a struggle!. Although real life isn't supposed to mimic fiction, some aspects of life need to mimic it if you really want your readers to relate with what's going on!. No one will ever be able to relate to the ending in Breaking Dawn because, even if you get married, your relationship will never be 100% happy like it is for Bella and Edward!.

So, no, this ending is not wrong!. The ending is Breaking Dawn is wrong because it's DEUX EX MACHINA! Www@QuestionHome@Com