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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Do you know any literary character in American 20th century prose who is undergo

Question: Do you know any literary character in American 20th century prose who is undergoing a midlife crisis!?
Hi everybody
I am looking for those literary characters whom you find undergoing midlife crisis!. Male or Female!. Between 35 to 55!. Showing symptoms such as alcoholism, divorce, remarriage, unmasking, etc!.
Thanks in advance Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You could look into the works of Philip Roth, perhaps Sabbath's Theater would suit your needs!. Independence Day, by Richard Ford is another that might work!. Several of Don DeLillo's titles would also be appropriate!. Doris Lessing's The Summer Before the Dark is an interesting take on some of what you're looking for!. Another would be A Fan's Notes by Frederick Exley!. Try The Dogs of March by Ernest Hebert and some of Thomas McGuane's books too!. also The Bonfire Of the Vanities by Tom Wolfe!.

There are more, I'll edit if I think of them!. I hope this proves somewhat helpful to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com