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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Can someone explain Sarah Palin to me?

Question: Can someone explain Sarah Palin to me!?
Especially those who like her!. Because to me it seems that if she wasn't governor of Alaska then she'd be a White trash mother!.

My reasons for this are:
1)she's going to let her young infant baby that has down sydrome by raised by someone else
2)Her 17 year old daughter is pregnant & engaged to a boy who even blogged that he never wanted to marry or have kids
3) Her addict of a son is being sent off to war so that Sarah can show she's pro-war too, also hopefully it's in the hope that he'll get clean
4) Her husband as a DUI
5) She is suddenly changing her judgement on things such as the Climate changing
6) She was picked after ONE phone call converstation between her and McCain, just ONE, you don't even go out on a date after one phone call!.

Yeah even to me these reasons don't sound logical but also it's the fact that she's very inexperienced and she's too close to being president to me!.

also, I dont' understand her comment of "You know what the difference between a hockey mom and a bull dog is!? A Hockey mom wears lipstick!"
I don't understnad that!.!.!.I really don't!. If someone could explain that reference to me it would be great!.!.!.thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
ha i know what you mean!.!.!.she sounds like a real piece of work!.!.too bad she and mccain got a big boost in the polls recently!.!.!.!.who knowsWww@QuestionHome@Com

She's more experienced than Obama, and he's running for president!

As for being white trash, white trash doesn't have an IQ twice yours, kiddo!.

The rest of your comments are equally silly!. If you want to play hardball in politics, try studying it quietly before you comment to save yourself more shame!.


In other words-----A bulldog--considered a tough fighter==equals a tough hockey mom wearing lipstick!.The rest of it-----well I am guessing you are a Democrat in love with Obama!.I am not even going there! NOBODY is perfect!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think Palin is an evil redneck too, but keep it out of Books & Authors!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jealous !. !. !.!?

She sure is closing the gap, eh!? http://abcnews!.go!.com/Politics/Vote2008/!.!.!.
It has been a long time since I encountered such a comprehensive list of lies and misleading propaganda statements regarding internal U!.S!. politics!. Fortunately, your false comments have been debunked on various sites!.
For those interested in the truth, scroll down for a long list of the facts!. http://explorations!.chasrmartin!.com/2008!.!.!.

FYI: Your "question" reeks of sexism!.
In recent decades, the U!.S!. was governed by arguably "white trash" males!. (To refresh your memory, one such ex-pres!. is named "Jimmy", and the other is the husband of your preferred candidate!.)
Was your opposition to their poor records just as vociferous as it is toward the popular Alaskan governor!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bull dogs can be very tennasius and so can hocky moms!. The only diference is the dogs don't wear lip stick!. Is that reference so hard to understand!?
You better go back and check all of your facts because none of them are correct!.
How in the world could you believe for one second that this relationship developed as the result of one phone call!? There were hours and hours of research that went into her past!.
Why do you think McCain spent so much time making his decision!.
He was looking for someone that isn't corrupt!. Someone he can trust to do the right thing!. Someone that isn't overwhelmed with the politics of the whole thing!. He was looking for someone that knows what is right and what is wrong!.
She knew in advance that she was being considered for the job!.
That phone call was nothing more than an offer and an acceptance!.
I would rather McCain had picked a man for the job but I can't think of one that is as pure as Palin!.
As far as the dirty laundry you refer to regarding her family, I don't know of anybody in this world that is lilly white, without sin or indiscresions, do you!?
We are all human and we all make mistakes!.
Maybe you haven't yet but you will!.
I'm hoping and praying that you are not yet old enough to vote because your vote does count and in my opinion you are not yet informed enough to make an inteligent choice!.
One other point I would like to make to anyone reading this answer is that you can't believe everything you read in the paper or hear from the media because they have their own agenda!.
You have to think for yourself!.
