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Question: What "Classics" do you recommend!?
Books like: The Great Gatsby, Catcher in the Rye, Anthem, Of Mice and Men, etc!. (I have read these)

On my list are: 1984, To Kill a Mockingbird, Brave New World, The Grapes of Wrath, Animal Farm

Tell me your suggestion(s) and why you recommend it/them!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1) East of Eden by John Steinbeck if you haven't read it already!. This book was my introduction to Steinbeck, and it remains one of my favorites!. I think it's better that you've already read Of Mice and Men, though (rather than EoE being your first Steinbeck) - it's a much shorter (and most would say easier) way to be familiarized with Steinbeck's style!. Anyways, EoE is a great, great book!.
2) The Island of Dr!. Moreau by H!.G!. Wells!. Not as well-known as The Time Machine, but just as good!. For me, this is one of those books that you just can't put down until you've finished it!.
3) Franny and Zooey by J!.D!. Salinger!. If you liked The Catcher in the Rye, then you should try this book, too!. I found Salinger's style in CitR very easy and enjoyable to read, and it's the same with F&Z!.
4) The Odyssey by Homer, if you feel up to reading an epic poem!. It's one of my favorite stories, full of adventure!. (FYI, I recommend Robert Fitzgerald's translation!.)

Happy reading! =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Harry Potter series
These books are timeless classics and JK Rowling is one of the few who can be compared to Shakespear and JRR Tolkien!. The story is just as great as the way she tells it and her way with words!.

The Chronicles of Narnia
These books are funny, interesting and well-written!. When they made it into a film it was 'modernised' by adding some battle scenes and stuff like that as the books have aged a little in their language and time period!. But they really are well written and the story is filled with magic and monsters and you can't read one of the books without getting some wisdom from it!.

I read a book called 'Holes' by Luis Sacher and it definately made it onto my favourites list!. It has to be one of the best novels I've ever read!. It touches on racism a little and the way the story seems to give you a little puzzle peice every chapter and how it keeps you guessing!.

I read To Kill a Mockingbird myself!. I'm the only one I know who didn't care for it!. I just don't like the way the story moved and I really only appreciated it when I had the good parts pointed out to me!. "That's a good part and here's why!.!.!.etc!."

Oh God! I studied comparative literature and during the year, the demands were to read some 50 books, pretty much all classics!. I detested it!. I'm only starting to re-read them now, at my own pace!.

I do remember though, that in spite of being classics, I loved Thomas Mann's Death In Venice and Kafka's Metamorphosis!. Light in August by Faulkner was good too!.
From Hemingway, I loved Islands In The Stream, although it's usually not mentioned when talking about the man!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

-Utopia by Thomas More!. This book described a fictional place where everything was perfect!. More wrote this book in response to Machiavelli's The Prince; in this book, government did not crush the people!. If you want to read dystopian literature like 1984, I'd suggest first going back and reading some of the original utopian novels (by the way, More was the one who invented the word Utopia)!.

-The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy!. Hardy is a great story teller, and he really fleshes out his characters!. Even though Henchard, the protagonist, does stupid things, the reader still manages to empathize with him!.

-Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck!. This book is about Steinbeck's travels with his dog!. He basically travels America and has a lot of insight in what it means to be an American!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I gave "Travels with Charlie" a thumbs up, it was good, but not THAT good!.!.!.

Gotta tell ya, my fellow Packer fan, that the classics are way overrated!. There is a lot of good writing out there, and some of it is more recent!.

My fave Packer book is Jerry Kramer's "Instant Replay," but nevermind!.!.!.

Look at Jack London's books, especially "Call of the Wild" and his short story, "To Build a Fire!."

Thomas Harris' masterpieces, "Black Sunday" which predicted 9-11 way back in 1975, followed by "Red Dragon" and "Silence of the Lambs"!.!.!.

Anything by Fredrick Forsythe, including "The Day Of the Jackyl", "The Odessa File", "The Dogs of War" and especially "The Deceiver"!.

Mario Puzo wrote three excellent books, "The Godfather", "Fools Die", and "The Sicillian"!.

All of the Herriot books are great---start with "All Creatures Great and Small"!.

Once you've gotten through a few of these, e-me and I will have some more for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Franny and Zooey - JD Salinger!. My personal favorite book ever!. :)

Brave New World is super, so is Animal Farm and 1984 :)

I also like Farenheit 451, and A Seperate Peace!. Both of them are simmilar to ones you've said you've liked!.!.!.!. I have others if you like different genres!. Frankenstein is also very good - but get the real Mary Shelley version, not a movie book!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers!.!.!. this novel changed my out look on life!. It's incredibly well written and just wonderful all around!.

The Great Gatsby by F!. Scott Fitzgerald!.!.!. this is one of my personal all time favorites!.!. it's an amazing novel that's incredibly realistic!.!. and very moving!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All the ones on your list are amazing!. I also suggest East of Eden, and anything by Kurt VonnegutWww@QuestionHome@Com

Whats a book!? Info plz!.Www@QuestionHome@Com