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Position:Home>Books & Authors> How would you describe a walk through the forrest?

Question: How would you describe a walk through the forrest!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Eerie!. Invisible critters cracking twigs and scampering behind blankets of trees and shrubs!. The light shining through the canopy of trees casting shadows!. Leaves crunching under foot!. Spiderwebs draping small dead trees covered in dur from that morning and swaying in the wind; invisible traps to small bugs flying blindly through the trees!.

There are a couple descriptive sentences!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

depending on the time of day!.!.!.
dappled sunlight
birds singing
butterflies fluttering
grasshoppers chirping
squirrels gathering nuts
dew drops on the leaves/ flowers (if it's early morning)


the trees whispering through the wind
the leaves dancing around
the grass being damp
idk just some ideas i would think about!.!.!.just try to picture it yourself !.!.!.add detail and be creative
good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com