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Question: Any Books About Child Abuse Or Rape!?
Such as a boy called "it" By Dave Pelzer!? Thanks Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
-Lucky by Alice Sebold!. This book deals with Sebold's own rape and the subsequent trial!.

-The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold!. This book is about Susie Salmon, a thirteen year old girl who is murdered!. Up in heaven, she watches her friends, family, and her sort-of boyfriend deal with the aftermath!. She sees that no matter how long she's gone, they never forget her!.

-The Lottery Rose by Irene Hunt!. In this story, Georgie Burgess is nearly beaten to death by his mom and her boyfriend!. He is eventually taken out of his abusive home and placed into an orphanage!. His only possession is his rose plant, which he won in a lottery!. He tries planting it in a neighbor's yard, but she becomes angry!. Molly, the neighbor, lost a child about Georgie's age, and the novel explores how the pair slowly becomes friends, helping both of them heal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Driving with Dead People by Monica Holloway
-It's her memoir!.

"Small wonder that, at nine years old, Monica Holloway develops a fascination with the local funeral home!. With a father who drives his Ford pickup with a Kodak movie camera sitting shotgun just in case he sees an accident, and whose home movies feature more footage of disasters than of his children, Monica is primed to become a morbid child!.

Yet in spite of her father's bouts of violence and abuse, her mother's selfishness and prim denial, and her siblings' personal battles and betrayals, Monica never succumbs to despair!. Instead, she forges her own way, thriving at school and becoming fast friends with Julie Kilner, whose father is the town mortician!.

She and Julie prefer the casket showroom, where they take turns lying in their favorite coffins, to the parks and grassy backyards in her hometown of Elk Grove, Ohio!. In time, Monica and Julie get a job driving the company hearse to pick up bodies at the airport, yet even Monica's growing independence can't protect her from her parents' irresponsibility, and from the feeling that she simply does not deserve to be safe!. Little does she know, as she finally strikes out on her own, that her parents' biggest betrayal has yet to be revealed!.

Throughout this remarkable memoir of her dysfunctional, eccentric, and wholly unforgettable family, Monica Holloway's prose shines with humor, clear-eyed grace, and an uncommon sense of resilience!. Driving with Dead People is an extraordinary real-life tale with a wonderfully observant and resourceful heroine!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have you ever seen the move "Human Trafficking"!? It's really really good, well there's a book called "Modern Day Slavery: Human Trafficking Revealed"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Alice Walker, The Colour Purple
Margaret Attwood, The Handmaid’s Tale
Vladimir Nabokov, LolitaWww@QuestionHome@Com

A piece of cake - cupcake brown
any Torey Hayden books

i've got so many but i can't remember the names! but the ones above are excellent reads! xxWww@QuestionHome@Com

I believe the follow up to that book was " the lost boy" same author!.!.!. those books are really sad!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson!. It's a quick read, and it's really good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you an check out david gershowitz books!Www@QuestionHome@Com

it happened to nancy is a book about a girl who got raped and then contracted aidsWww@QuestionHome@Com

burned by ellen hopkinsWww@QuestionHome@Com
