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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone's main plot?

Question: What is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone's main plot!?
What is it about!? What's the plot!? Was there death!? How did it happen!? I need other resources besides the book!. We are talking about the Book not the movie!. Sources please if you can!. Just write a brief summary for me, but not too brief!. Thanks for your help! Www@QuestionHome@Com

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For the book:

Harry Potter is a young boy who has no idea about his life as an infant other then that of his parent's death, a supposed car accident!. But when a giant by the name of Rubius Hagrid shows up, claiming to be the grounds keeper of a magical academy called Hogwarts, Harry's life is instantly thrown out of everything he understood!.!.!.and despised about the only life he knew, full of abuse and harsh living at his Aunt and Uncle Dursly's!.

Harry learns from hagrid that he is the son of two very talented and powerful wizards, but that they were tragically killed by Lord Voldemort, an evil sorcerer of immense ability!.

Upon his train ride to Hogwarts, he meets Ronald Weasely, a firey red-head boy who comes from a poor background, and Hermione Granger, an extremely smart witch who was born from muggle parents, and of course Draco Malfoy, a family-enemy starting with his father, and his house!.

Through many trials they face, and in the end, they may find that there's more to love then meets the eye!. Harry and a secretive enemy collide in an epic tale of truth, trust, betrayal and friendshipWww@QuestionHome@Com

Harry returns to the Wizard world and gets used to everyone knowing who he is!. He begins to learn about his past and starts his training as a wizard!. He searches for the Sorcerers Stone!. One death in the "present" (Professor Quirrel) and 2 deaths in the past (Hagrid tells Harry about when Voldemort was "in power" and kills his parents, making him the Boy Who Lived)!. Quirrel dies when Harry touches him(because Voldemort cant be touched by harry-isnt truly alive yet)Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was about Harry's return to the Wizardry World and coming to Hogwarts and his adventures and gaining new friends!. The Plot was basically the beginning of Harry's new life and the end to his old once he turned eleven!. The only death I could think about was the mentioning of his parents' deaths (killed by Voldemort on Halloween Night) and the death of Professor Quirrel (Voldemort's remaining soul leaving his body)!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

the plot is that voldemort wants eternal life and needs the Sorcerer's Stone for it but only harry knows Www@QuestionHome@Com