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Question: Twilight book covers!?
i dont understand the meaning of the book covers does anyone know!?
ps i havent read the last bookWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Twilight- Stephenie Meyer has stated that the apple on the cover represents the forbidden fruit from the book of Genesis!. It symbolizes Bella's and Edward's love, which is forbidden, similar to the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, as is made obvious by the quote from Genesis 2:17 that opens the book!. It also represents choice

New Moon- The flower on the cover of New Moon is a red and white Parrot tulip!.[citation needed] Stephenie Meyer has stated that the flower has no significance to the story, as she had no part in choosing its design!.

The title refers to the darkest phase of the lunar cycle, indicating that New Moon is about the darkest period of Bella's life

Eclipse- The book jacket features a torn red ribbon!. Although it was supposed to be disclosed to the public in May 2007 at the Eclipse Prom, Barnes & Noble and Stephenie Meyer's official website premiered the newly released cover in March 2007, along with a preview summary of the book's plot!. The broken ribbon represents choice, as in the book Bella must choose between her love for Edward Cullen, her vampire boyfriend, and her friendship/love with Jacob Black!. Meyer also stated that the ribbon represents the idea that Bella can't break away completely from her human life!.

Breaking Dawn- It has been said that the cover of Breaking Dawn may symbolize this!.!.!. The red chess piece in the back represents Bella's daughter Renesmee!. The white chess piece in the front represents Bella!. Since Bella is in front, it shows how she is trying to protect her daughter!.

AMAZING BOOKS- I bought a Twilight shirt this morning!.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BELLA! - September 13th!


In Stephenie words!.!.!.

The Twilight cover:

"The apple on the cover of Twilight represents "forbidden fruit!." I used the scripture from Genesis (located just after the table of contents) because I loved the phrase "the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil!." Isn't this exactly what Bella ends up with!? A working knowledge of what good is, and what evil is!. The nice thing about the apple is it has so many symbolic roots!. You've got the apple in Snow White, one bite and you're frozen forever in a state of not-quite-death!.!.!. Then you have Paris and the golden apple in Greek mythology—look how much trouble that started!. Apples are quite the versatile fruit!. In the end, I love the beautiful simplicity of the picture!. To me it says: choice!."

The New Moon cover:

"That is a ruffled tulip!. As for the meaning!.!.!. If you've read the Twilight FAQ, you know that the apple cover had a lot of meaning for me, and I was an active part of the covering process!. However, that experience is more the exception than the rule in the publishing world!. Something to keep in mind if you intend to embark on a career as a writer: lots of things you might expect to be under your control are not!. Covers, for example!. Those are mostly up to the publisher and the marketing and sales departments!. So I don't know what the tulip means—I didn't have anything to do with this one!."

The Eclipse cover:

The Breaking Dawn cover:

"Breaking Dawn's cover is a metaphor for Bella's progression throughout the entire saga!. She began as the weakest (at least physically, when compared to vampires and werewolves) player on the board: the pawn!. She ended as the strongest: the queen!. In the end, it's Bella that brings about the win for the Cullens!."

? M ?Www@QuestionHome@Com

from the lips of Stephenie Meyer herself (from the Twilight Lexicon manuscript of a Q&A;

Q: (from Rebecca) Could you please explain all the symbolism in the four covers!?

A: Twilight which is about the idea of choice!. You have an offer in that cover!. Are you going to choose to take that apple!. Apples have a lot of history so there’s a good chance that it’s poisoned, just going off the mythology!. So that made a really interesting idea!. Is Bella going to find out about this other world or is she happier the way she is!? Of course we know what she chose!. Then we have New Moon, a very lovely ruffled tulip that means nothing at all!. This was before I got to veto covers, so that one someone in the company thought that was a really cool color scheme!. And I was like okay well whatever!. Then we have Eclipse, which I did get to have a say in!. And this is sort of a physical example of what happens when you try to break away from your old life and you don’t do it clean cut!. It gets messy!. There are strings you can’t break!. Bella trying to break away from her life it got pretty messy for awhile there, so this was my visual representation of that!. And then we have Breaking Dawn which I did have a say in and this is exactly what I wanted!. And I was really happy with the way it turned out!.

i have cut out the Breaking Dawn meaning, but you can read it from the link below (3rd question down on the page)Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Twilight cover means the forbidden fruit, once bitten you can't go back!.

The New Moon cover, well there is no real explanation for that cover, but in my opinion its my favorite!.

The Eclipse cover was the broken thread, like she's holding on for dear life!.

And the Breaking Dawn cover, well I don't want to tell you because you haven't read it yet!. It would ruin it for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the first one has something to do with temptation!.!.!. you know the apple signifies temptation because of Adam and Eve, she wasn't supposed to eat the apple but she gave into temptation and did!. So yeah!.!.!. my friend told me more but I forgot :PWww@QuestionHome@Com

if you visit stephenie meyers website she explains what each book cover signifies!. However, she did not chose the book covers!. She personally didn't like them!. I just found that out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The thing with the chess board and Bella being protective isn't the idea behind the cover, but I like that idea, anyway! (Stephenie posted the meaning of BD on her site a while ago!.!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

go to stepheniemeyer!.com
you can find the answer to your questionWww@QuestionHome@Com