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Question: Omg twilight is the best book ever!?
who agrees!!!?!?

I only started and I'm on chapter 3 but its already the best book i ever read!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hi there!
I would like to say that I am in LOVE with those books!.
I am on Breaking Dawn- page 599!.
I am in love with it and I'm not kidding!.
I am wearing a Twilight T-Shirt right NOW!.
Did you know today is Bella's birthday in the book!? - September 13th
I am looking at Breaking Dawn while I type this!.
I eat, sleep, and breath Twilight and I am not ashamed of it!.
I cried myself to sleep because Edward is a fictional character!.
Yes, I have a life, but I am intensely in LOVE with Twilight!.
If you ever want to talk about how amazing it is, I'm the girl to talk about it with!. I am an expert on it and we can chat!.


If you're looking for Twilight lovers, dear, go to a fansite!. This place is for people who want answers and opinions, not a bunch of people agreeing with them!. Questions like this are a violation of the rules!. You have been reported!. I'm not trying to be mean!. I'm trying to make Y!A a better place!.
And no, it's not best!. It's one of the worst!.

I love that book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

oh great another twilight lover just what the world needsWww@QuestionHome@Com