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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Whats the theme/moral of Twilight?

Question: Whats the theme/moral of Twilight!?
is it true love conquers all!?
thats pretty much what its based on so thats really the only moral i could think of!. is there a more significant/a more obvious theme to this book!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In my opinion Twilight doesn't have any morals or themes!.
It's a completely shallow book that teaches young teen girls bad morals about life!. In other words , I couldn't find any good message from this book!.
This is what I learned from Twilight:
-You don't need any friends , unless you have a perfect boyfriend!.
-You don't have to have any life aspirations and dreams!. You just have to be with your perfect boyfriend!.
-If your boyfriend abandons you , you don't have a life anymore , and therefore any reasons left for living!.
-Being pregnant and married at 18 is OK!.
-Having a boyfriend who watches you sleep , kidnaps you, and it's a control freak is just great!.
-You just have to leave everything in your life ,and not to care how people feel about your decision , what important is your happiness and nothing else!.

xx GreetingsWww@QuestionHome@Com

That sexism is okay!?
That it's normal for a teenage girl to be totally submissive to her potentially abusive boyfriend!?
That as long as you're pretty and you've got a hot boyfriend, it's perfectly fine for people to walk all over you!?

Those are the closest things to a theme that I can think of for Twilight!. As for morals, I'm not too sure that it has any!.

Honestly, though, I'm sorry that I can't help you out with what I'm guessing is homework!. You're better than most who ask for homework "help" on here -- most people just ask for others to do the assignment for them; you're already started with your own ideas and just want some help!. So I do appreciate that, but I just feel that Twilight is pretty lacking in positive themes & morals!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bella didn't wait for Edward for 100 years!. She just waited 18, a lot less than a lot of other girls!. Anyway, hmm a mora!.!.!.!. Maybe that you should do anything to please you abbusive controlling boyfriend!? Or if you find what you think is "love", get married at a young age and get pregnant!? There is no positive moral in Twilight!. Oh, and "Forbidden Love" isnt Twilights theme, its Romeo & Juliets, Smeyer was "inspired" by it!. *eyeroll* Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Teen pregnancy is perfectly fine
2!. A girl should give up everything and everyone just to be with her sexy boyfriend
3!. It's attractive for a girl to whine and ***** all the time
4!. If your boyfriend dumps you: become suicidal
5!.If your boyfriend decides to go crazy and not let you meet your best friend anymore: stay with him because he has your best interest in mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Love conquers all is definately one theme!
But also "Good things come to those who wait!." [ Bella comes to Edward after 100 years!.]
and also something about how even average girls can have a prince charming!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That having a "hot" guy in your life is the only thing you need!. Www@QuestionHome@Com