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Question: A good book on psychology please!?
I'm 15, and enjoy reading books on psychology!. The subject really fascinates me but I have yet to come across a book that "wows" me!. Can you recommend a good book on psychology for me!?
Preferably a Sigmund Freud book; he has so many books I don't know where to start!
Thank you!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, Interpretation of Dreams is a must for everyone, but I enjoy Beyond the Pleasure Principle more than Interpretation of Dreams in fact!.

Irvin Yalom is a great psychotherapist and a talented writer!. I enjoy his fiction [psychotherapic novels] like Lying on the Couch, but he also writes non-fiction, but they are harder as Yalom is an existentialist [but if you manage Freud, Yalom will be a piece of cake for you ;]!.

Some really great fiction that includes a lot of psychology is Dostoevsky [the Idiot, the Brothers Karamazov, Crime and Punishment] and Hesse [the Glass Bead Game, Steppenwolf, Demian and all the others]!.

Returning to Freud, his cases of neuroses are really catchy!.

Oh, I almost forgot Nietzsche!. He was more a philosopher, but he believed he was the best psychologist of all times!. Try Ecce Homo!.

Back to fiction once again - Disgrace by J!.M!. Coetzee!.

I am going to Cardiff University to study psychology in a week you know, but still my favourite books of psychology are textbooks :) contact me if you want a list of good ones!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Start with Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams!. It is the most referenced in introduction to psychology textbooks!.

Barnes and Noble Synopsis:

Claiming he had discovered the "royal road to the unconscious,” Sigmund Freud published The Interpretation of Dreams at the turn of the twentieth century, and thus laid the foundation for his innovative technique of psychoanalysis!. Largely ignored at first, the book would eventually be considered Freud’s mostimportant work, one that, like Darwin’s The Origin of Species, revolutionized the way human beings view themselves!.

The raw material for The Interpretation of Dreams was provided by Freud himself!. Spurred on by the death of his father, he began analyzing his own dreams, in the process recreating lost childhood memories and uncovering the roots of his own neuroses!. He concluded that dreams were filled with latent meaning, their bizarre imagery and peculiar narratives concealing deep-seated, instinctual motives and desires!. For example, his own problems stemmed from a repressed desire for his mother and hostility towards his father—the now-famous Oedipal complex!. By revealing how the seemingly trivial nonsense of dreams reflect important personal issues in the dreamer’s present and past life, Freud created a key that unlocked the vital secrets of the unconscious mind!.

A fascinating and beautifully written book, The Interpretation of Dreams is an indefinable masterpiece that helped shape the mind of the twentieth century!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"When I Say No, I Feel Guilty"
by Manuel J!. Smith PhD

-this is my favorite book!. it focuses on how you can cope or overcome such situations without feeling any guilt or anything!. learning on how to be assertive, like that!.!.

i hope you can find the book!. enjoy!. ^_^Www@QuestionHome@Com