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Question: Dostoevsky's The Idiot!?
Did he title it that because that's the target audience of the book!?

It's considered a classic but it can't even aspire to the greatness of a single page of The Space Odyssey Series by Clarke!. Why is that!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I thought it was AWFUl!. I did however find the story about the man who was almost excecuted interesting though!. (in the beggining) Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe it's because 2001: A Space Odyssey is a novelization of a movie, more rightly the brain child of Kubric than Clarke by the author's own admission!. He only continued the series because it was his claim to fame, he essentially rode the coat tails of a legendary film maker to his own fame as a experimental sci-fi writer!. It stands to reason that if the movie weren't as iconic as it is, Clarke would long since have vanished into the realm of "no longer in print" status!.

Where Dostoevsky's The Idiot is a classic social commentary, 2001 is a cheap bastardization of someone else's vision!. That's probably why the one is considered an academic classic and the other is not!.

Maybe if you'd crack open another book instead of reliving the glory of, what I presume are, the only four you've ever read you'd gain some perspective on the issue!. (Have you even read all of them!?)

Again, I'm not responding harshly to your love of this series, I'm a fan as well, but to your overly arrogant tone!. It's irritating and you'd be better off just knocking it off!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Though you phrase your question poorly it still is a valid one in many ways!. It stands to reason that a person who is completely enamored of Clarke's themes in 2001: A Space Odyssey would be hostile to the thematic vision of Dostoevsky's The Idiot!.

The target audience of The Idiot is primarily the man who views the world in black and white!. It is a book with a strong moral stance in the traditional Christian vein of good vs!. evil!. Conversely, 2001 is a much more inclusive and evolutionary vision!. If one outlook speaks directly to you it is likely that the other will alienate you!.

However I fear I am giving you too much credit since I am quite sure that you have never so much as opened The Idiot, though a puckish friend may well have given it to you as a subtle joke which almost certainly eluded you!.

Perhaps as you grow and mature you will be able to see that both points of view have value!. I find it interesting that in deriding The Idiot you are closer to espousing its clearcut views of right and wrong than you are to embracing the tenets laid out by Clarke!. Perhaps if you were to open your mind you would see that there is more to the world than your current simplistic cinematic take on it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com