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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What was this children's Christmas book called?

Question: What was this children's Christmas book called!?
My mom used to read me this story when I was little!. I only remember a little of it!. It had a christmas tree that starts off in this very large house!. It's a little too big, so the top is cut off!. And then that top goes to a different home!. But they cut the top off and that top goes to a different home!. And on and on!.!.!.until it gets to a mouse's house!. Does anyone know the title of this book!? Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"Mr Willowby's Christmas Tree" by Robert Barry
"The Christmas tree in question shows up at Mr!. Willowby's home by special order, aboard a big pink truck: "Full and fresh and glistening green--The biggest tree he had ever seen!." But it's just a little too big, so he asks his butler, Baxter, to trim off the top few feet that brush up against the parlor ceiling!. Baxter realizes that this snipped-off top would make a perfect little tree for "Miss Adelaide, Mr!. Willowby's upstairs maid!." But she, too, must clip off the top of her tree!.!.!. which then ends up with Timm, the gardener!. Timm's trimming goes on to Barnaby Bear, the tippy-top of Barnaby's tree ends up with Frisky Fox and family, and then Benjamin Rabbit finds the top few inches that Mrs!. Fox snipped off!. And so it goes, until soon the whole countryside learns that it's simply "grand to have a tree--Exactly like Mr!. Willowby!."


I'm really sorry I can't tell you, because I'd like to read it myself!. That is just the cutest thing I ever heard! Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That sounds like a really good book!. Now I want to know the title!.Www@QuestionHome@Com