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Question: For people who read Harry Potter 3!.!.!.!.!.!?
Why did Serious Black went to azkaban!?
I have read that part but I did not get it because that character on the book was speaking weird like hagrid!.
I was confused!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They thought he killed peter pettigrew and in front of muggles and they thought he killed like thirteen other people on the same streetWww@QuestionHome@Com

Because the Potters were living in a time of war, they were suspicious of everyone!. They went into hiding because Voldemort was after them!. James and Lily were very active in the fight against Voldemort!. When they went into hiding, they were to tell one person where they were going!. That person was to be Sirius Black!. At the last minute, Sirius changed his mind and decided that person should be Peter Pettigrew because Sirius was the obvious choice, as their best friend!.

Peter was working for Voldemort and told him where the Potters were hidden!. Sirius went to find him after the Potters were killed!. Peter blew up the street where he and Sirius were standing, killing a lot of people!. He framed Sirius but cutting off one of his own fingers to make it look like he was blown up too!. Peter turned himself into a rat ad ran Sirius was blamed for the murders of the muggles and of Peter Pettigrew!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the story that the wizarding world believes is that sirius black killed peter pettigrew and 13 surrounding muggles on the streets of london, in sight of other muggles!. this is a sever wizarding offense so he was sent to azkaban!.

however he was framed for this murder!. peter pettigrew was acting on you-know-who's orders and killed the muggles and turned into a mouse, but left behind one of his fingers as proof that he died!. he was however an illegal animalagus so no one knew that he could turn into a mouse!. thus blaming siris for the deaths!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think it was because he supposedly helped voldemort by killing peter petegrew (wormtail)!.

peter petegrew was supposedly a friend of james and lily potter (harry's parents) and was helping them hide from voldemort!.
peter's finger was found after some big explosion, so everyone presumed that he was dead!.
serious black was blamed for peter's death, and was thrown into azkaban after he was found!.

i could be off though, it's been a while!.
hope this helps! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sirius was arrested, accused of murdering Pettigrew and the muggles and of serving Voldemort!. He spent the next twelve years in the prison, brooding over his friends' deaths and obsessing over Pettigrew's betrayal!. Sirius states that unlike most other Azkaban prisoners (who often went insane during their terms of imprisonment), he was able to keep his sanity because he knew he was innocent!.

He was in Azkaban for killing several muggles and Peter Pettigrew!. In actuallity Peter was the one that killed the muggles and cut off his own finger, to make it look like he was dead!. He then changed himself into a rat and became known as Scabbers, Ron's rat!. Everyone thought Serious had been the Potter's secret keeper but it was Peter who gave up the Potters to Valdamort Www@QuestionHome@Com

He was accused of a mass murder (of muggles if I remember correctly) and the murder of Peter Petigrew, of whom the only part they could find was his finger!. The story went that Black was so upset over the downfall of Voldy that he killed all those people and Petigrew went out to stop him!.

But if you've read the book you know what really happened!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sirius black went to azkaban because everyone suspected him of killing harry's parents (james potter and lily potter)!.but the truth is he didn't!.he got even more suspected because he escaped azkaban so it seemed more real!. his fault anyway!. got this info cuz' i watched the movie like a million times but i haven't read the book even once!. go watch the movie just to make sure you'll get my point!. ^_^

P!.S!. your spelling of sirius black is wrong! more info for you!!!

Serious went to Azkaban because he had corned Rat Boy and was planning to send him to hell because Rat Boy killed Serious's biffle!.

Then, Rat Boy blew himself up, killing hundreds of non magical people!. When the magic police showed up, Serious was at the crime!. So, Serious was blamed!.

And all was found was Rat Boy's little finger!.


Serious Black was wrongly accused of the murder of several muggles and Peter Pettigrew!. This was all set up BY Peter!. He killed the muggles and transfigured into a rat and escaped!. Serious is innocent!. Peter is guilty!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1 if u wanna go 2 nyu, u might wanna brush up in ur grammer!.

"Why did Serious Black "went" to azkaban!?
I have read that part"," but I did not get it because that character "on" the book was speaking weird like hagrid!.
I was confused!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because Sirius black was accused of killing Harry's parents!. But he didn't!. the rat did!. I forgot what the rat's name is!.

By the way !. !. !. thats my favourite book!. SO AWSOME! Www@QuestionHome@Com

He went to jail cuz people thought he killed PEter Petigrue because at the scene of the crime all that was left was a finger!. But Peter Petrigrue AKA wormtail cut off his finger and fled to frame Sirius ( not Serious) Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sirius was blamed for the death of peter pettigrew and several muggles all at the same time!. Supposedly he blew them all up with a single curse and all that was left of pettigrew was his finger!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

peter petigrew turned into a mouse, and sirius black was blamed for killing peter and 13 other people, he went to azkaban!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For being a death eater and giving away the secret to where Harry Potter's parents were hiding!.

I won't spoil the ending by telling you more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

okay well
he went to azkabam cuz peter petigrue
blamed him of helping voldamort kill harry potters parents!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sirius was sent to Azkaban because he was blamed for the deaths of Harry's parents!.!.!. i dont remember why everyone thought he did it, but that's why!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

he went becuase he was framed for killing peter petigrew aka wormtail voldemorts assistant and its ok to say his name because i shot him in the face last nightWww@QuestionHome@Com

He was accused of killing 13 muggles and Peter Pettigrew not Harry's parents!Www@QuestionHome@Com

sirus went there because peter pettigrew turned into a mouse at the scene and sirius just happend to be thereWww@QuestionHome@Com

he was framed for killing harry potters parents!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Murder for Peter Petagrew Www@QuestionHome@Com

because they thougth the he sold them out to lord voltimort and thats why they diedWww@QuestionHome@Com


ur confusing me


people thought he was a death eater and helped with the death of harry's parentsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well let me tell you, the movie should come out
and look at the google or hary potter site!Www@QuestionHome@Com

nah i just watch the movies, it takes less time then reading!. Www@QuestionHome@Com