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Question: How do you write a story!?
I would like to write a good story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First, you have to think of a good topic!. Then you should study techniques like alliteration and similes!. Then you should think of some characters and flush them out!. Do some exercises like "What would this person like!?" or "What's this persons fav thing to do!?" anyways, random questions and not so random ones too!. Then you need to get involved with a good group of writers to help you get going and for support!. also, taking a creative writing class couldn't hurt!.
I am writing some books, so if you want to talk more you can email me!. I always love to help people create something incredible out of pen and ink!.
Good luck!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stephen King wrote a book called 'On Writing' and it suggests that writing well makes you a good writer!. Any one can write the proper sentences in the right order and eventually have a coherent piece of writing, a great writer is someone who can reach a level above that and who continues to reach until they reach their readers!.
Somewhere one day a woman sat down and wrote a comedic look at turning forty!. She included snippets of her life (family ex-hubby, kids) and her passions (shoes, lip gloss, earrings, $10 dollar stores), and then found a dead body; new boyfriend; new hobby; new job; old boyfriend; new business; lost weight; seduced some young man on a beach in Bermuda or some other huge life altering event that made her a multi-million dollar author!.
The same goes for the guy who wrote the first modern day horror story, or uber Vampire, knuckleheaded side kick, ghosty, fey, gremlin, hobgoblin, cat creature, really lucky girl, ex-ray vision, and the horsemen searching for a head!.
Revamping Shakespeare is still being done, girl meets boy is timeless, murder, action, adventure, thriller, and erotica all have an audience as wide and varied as reality-shows!. How about that a reality-book, pretend to be several character required to write a page a day while all living in a house, or dating one guy, or trying to locate the treasure, when the bodies start piling up!.
Then there's the new erotica with same sex, threesomes, costumes, vampires, urban punk, sci-fan and dick lit!. (Yes men go through midlife crisis as well)!. Young adult writing has also expanded to include romance, thriller, adventure, mystery, vamps, fantasy, sci-fi, sci-fan and uber urban!. You have to find what you like and mix it up and see what you get!. Odd Thomas has an Elvis ghost following him but they can't speak to each other, Gloriana St!. Clair gives a whole new meaning to phone sex, Goddess from Mt!. Olympus, Mages who are detectives in Vegas (since the 1950's), Children grown in a lab with wings, good cops turned bad, bad cops turned good, cops who are sexy with girlfriends who are crazy!.
I read stuff everyday that makes me what to jump into a new genre and find a way to make my characters different, my scenes stand out, and my story the next 'big' thing!. But the love is definitely in the trying to write a cohesive piece of fiction!.
I try write in a linear fashion!. The challenge put before me was to write a page a day in a linear fashion and not to jump ahead too far but keep pace with the story as it developed!. It is a challenge I try to stick with in order to keep my focus and not jump ahead and end up with gaps and filler to get from one well written scene to another!. This also keeps me focused and the characters live a more coherent and concise existence!. Soon a page a day became a few pages and then gradually became a chapter a day and then a few chapters a day!. Of course I took days off or else the work would read like War and Peace and some day I took just to re-familiar myself with what I'd already written as well as check grammar, typos and continuity!.
Try to keep an outline of the story as you go to also help with focus and if you don't make the outline too rigid you have room to adjust change and expand!. Either way no one can read the book in your head!. Take your creative writing style and put it into that book, so that your voice is heard in it's uniqueness!. Once its complete then you can temper yourself and edit and change and adjust

Figure out what you want to write about!. Then sit down and figure out who your main characters are and describe in detail!. Next decide when and where the story is going to take place and write out a description of the setting!. After you've done that sit down a write out a brief sketch of your story!. Once you've done all that you'll have pretty good idea what you want to write, so sit down and write your story!.

That's how I do it at least!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

get a good idea
a good vocabulary and then you're all goodWww@QuestionHome@Com

you just need a good topic to write on!.!.!.good vocabulary!.!.!.and there u go!Www@QuestionHome@Com