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Question: What is the first step into becoming an Author!?
I have been working on my poetry like crazy all year!. I have had nine poems published by different people in many competitions, I've made a deal with my school to have a few of my poems included in the year magazine!. I think I've done quiet a bit!.

So now I want to collect all my poems and produce a poetry book, but Im not sure what the first thing is to do and all the other steps afterwards!.!.!.Any ideas!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You're best bet is to get a hold of the book called Writer's Market!. It has a listing of publishers and literary agents and what types of things they publish!. It also shows you how to write a query letter which is what you send to publishers and literary agents to see if they're interested!. Check your local library, they usually have a copy!.

You're other option would be self-publishing!. But that's not as easy as it sounds and can carry a pretty hefty price tag!.

The only other option I can think of is to take some where like Staples or a print shop and see what kind of binding options they have!. This would probably be the easiest route if you're just trying to create book to give people close to you or for yourself!.


Thanks for your question,

You might consider creating a poetry (e)book on Lulu!?

I have published my own little ebook on Lulu
To get an idea how I published mine you can find it at:
Personally I only offer an ebook version of my little book
but it is also possible to create 'real books' with this
'Publishing on Demand'-system!. You easlily can find
out how it all works on the site!.

You can also find some other info about writing you might
be interested in at: http://hpshappywriting!.blogspot!.com

All the Best,
To your Writing Inspiration,


send a collection to different publishing house!. Do not use the online ones as they are very often scams or will be a very bad deal for you at least!.
