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Question: Is Sarah Palin able to make smart decisions!?
Now, She has her daughter , who is pregnant at 17 yrs of age!. She thinks she should marry the father!. Would you marry off your seventeen year old if they werent pregnant!? The baby is going to be hard enough to deal with let alone marriage on top of that!. So what kind of decisions is she going to be helping make for our country, or is she just going to jump into things cold footed!.!.!.Something to think about people!. She didnt even hesitate answering yes in her own interview with Charlie on accepting the VP nomination!. MMMM!.!.!.kind of scaryWww@QuestionHome@Com

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Yes, kinda scary indeed! I agree with you about jumping in to decisions quickly and also about having to marry father!. I find it funny that she advocates no sex ed, no condoms, no abortion, only abstinence and yet this is what happened to her family!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There seems to be some sort of mix-up today!. This is the second political question I've seen in the Books section!. Sorry, I'm a Repemocat with no partison beliefs!. I support the person who is going to do what I think is best, not a party!.
Palin's daughter picked her poison and her mother is pushing her to marry the baby's father!. I don't know what will happen with that, but Palin will certainly apply her moral and beliefs to her governmental decisions, as do all politicians (because they're human!.!.!. mostly)!. If you do not support Palin's beliefs, then I do not suggest you vote McCain'08 (because Palin would be heartbeat from Prez if Johnny croaks)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you are going to run for vice president its just a given that things about your personal life are going to get out!. you just have to deal with it!. Pregnant teenagers are so common so I think people will be able to relate but there are a lot who think this is not setting a good example which I agree with!. O the vice presidents daughter is pregnant so it doesn't matter that I am is not good!. I just don't trust her and don't think she will be the best for the country!. It was an easy pick to get all the feminist voters!. Personally I like Joe Biden alot better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow, why is everyone asking Sarah Palin questions in the books and authors section!.

I think she'd get good experience, it's not like shes running for president!. But then again, J Mac's as old as the hills, so America is left with Palin in charge if he croaks!. I think shes done decent things for Alaska (I'm an Alaskan), but I don't know if she could handle running the country!.


Her family life is personal and should not be a concern for us!. However, she does not have the "political" experience needed/required to run the country when she is (as they say) a "heartbeat away" from the presidency!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She's the best!.

Your reasoning is liberal-think and doesn't make sense or have merit, with all due respect!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We are in for it if Mccain gets elected!. But you better hope that if McCain does get elected he lives long enough to make it through his term! or we will be in big trouble! Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why are you trolling in the wrong forum, you silly zombie!?Www@QuestionHome@Com