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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Vision Quest by Terry Davis - to much sex/language for a young adult novel?

Question: Vision Quest by Terry Davis - to much sex/language for a young adult novel!?
First off - did you like the novel!? Secondly - do you think it contained to much sex and adult language for a "young adult" novel!?



Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
that's an interesting question!. I personally can't stand required reading!. However, some books that win awards, like Vision Quest--are award winners that people in a position of authority felt were of literary merit!.

ie!? The Chocolate War and Huck Finn!. Talk about racial issues, swearing, violence--what have you--it's worse in some ways than a lot of "adult" fiction!. My pet peeve, To kill a mockingbird!. I'd never read it until my kid had to, and I was shocked at how racist it was!. But the story needed it, and to say a story where kids swear or have sex is "too much"!. is to say maybe Scout shouldn't have been racist!. Would the book be better if the language was cleaned up so a parent felt better about it!?

Young adults are people, and they swear and whether we like it or not--occasionally have sex!. If you're going to dumb books down, you might as well watch tv!.
