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Question: What are your thoughts on harry potter!?
i'm upset theres no more, i loved the books!.
i'm glad dumbldore gets killed off this summer, because i hate the actor in the movie!.
i love book dumbledore and movie 1&2 dumbldore; but i hate the new dumbledore!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I adore Harry Potter!.

Classics (Hawthorne, Twain, the Brontes, etc) will always be at the top of my list, but I love HP too!. It's got a special place in my heart!. I grew up with it-- I stuck with Harry from 2nd grade to my freshman year!. It's interwoven with my childhood-- it's been a part of my life for so long that I can't imagine not having it!. :)

HP is a modern classic!. It's the kind of book people will remember for the rest of their lives!. It's by far one of the best modern series I've ever read (I generally hate modern books)!. Considering the fact that JKR was originally writing to children, they are excellent books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

omg i totally agree about dumbledore!.
the older one fitted the bill perfectly he looked more wise like dumbledore should, i mean the one now is still ok but he looks too young if you get me!.
Im distraught there wont be anymore, i love harry potter and everything about the books!.
i get so involved in the books!. lmao!. i feel like one of the students of hogwarts when i read them lol
HARRY POTTER IS EPIC!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

harry potter was and still is the best series ever written!. jk rowling is a brilliant author and no amount of twilight fans can change that! once twilight is over no one will talk about it as much as they will harry potter!! GO HARRY all the way!!!! there are so many things that the harry potter series brought to the fandom world and twilight is just a follower!! edward cullen gO DIE! Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think harry potter is amazing!. i absolutely loved the last 3 books!. they are so addictive and really unpredictable!. the films are good but no where near as good as the books!. and yes i agree about the first dumbledoor, the newer one seems really angry all the time!.

I have learned to look past Dumbledore 1, and find Dumbledore 2 to be a fine second!.

When is the new movie coming out!?!? Summer is almost over--and I would love to see the next one!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with you!. I loved the books - I don't wish there were more because it would just get to be like the Jaws or Rocky movies and would never end!. I miss Richard Harris!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Complete and utter trash!. It shows how unintelligent most people are, that they read this junk!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

i LOVED the books

the movies are okay though =/Www@QuestionHome@Com

Utter drivel!. A poorly written mish mosh of lifted mythical ideas and creatures devoid of the deeper meaning!. The sands of time will bury it as the pointless piece of pop culture it is!.

Nine thumbs down, but look at the posts here!. None of the fans can spell or properly structure a sentence and at least two of them referred to the movie not the book!. Yeah, this series did a lot of good!. Every one of you are dumber for having read these books or, in the cases of the illiterate ones, watching the movies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yea - what he said!Www@QuestionHome@Com