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Question: Quotes from the book Twilight!?!?!?!?!?
My bff is obsessed with Twilight, and so am I!. So, for her birthday, I decided to make her a HUGE poster with Twilight Quotes on them!. I am making it HUGE, so I need as many quotes as I can possibly get!. Because her favorite book out of the series is Twilight, (the first one) I am looking for quotes only from that book!. I want the page number as well, and who said it!. If you give me a lot that match my standards, then I will give you a best answer!. Help, please, her birthday is quite soon!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I will give you the homepage to my utube!. I LOVE twilight to so i got a big collage of sayings on it!. Just right click it and it will say: "save background as" save it and then print it!.:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

This website has the most quotes and yes, it says who said it and what page!. This is the link to the Twilight quotes page!. These are quotes only from Twilight, but elsewhere on the website it had quotes from the others too!. Personally i like the Breaking Dawn quotes, but that's just me!.


sorry, I don't know page numbers!.!.!.

"Its an off day when somebody doesn't tell me how edible I smell" -Bella
"If you ever repeat what I'm saying right now, I'll cheerfully beat you to death"-Bella
"I made the cowardly lion look like the terminator"-Bella
"You are exactly my brand of heroin"-Edward
"He looks at you like!.!.!.like you're something to eat" -Mike
"I promise to try to be safe!. I'll do the laundry tonight, that ought to be fraught with peril!." -Bella
"Its healthy to ditch class now and then"-Edward
"We call ourselves vegetarians!. Our little inside joke"-Edward
"I'm really glad Edward didn't kill you!. Everythings so much more fun when you're around"-Emmett
"My mother is part albino"-Bella
"Darkness is so predictable, don't you think!?"-Edward
"come on, little coward, climb on my back"-Edward
"You compare one little tree to the entire forrest"-Edward
"Are you still faint from the run, or was it my kissing expertise!?"-EdwardWww@QuestionHome@Com

Mike Newton:

"So, did you stab Edward Cullen with a pencil or what!? I’ve never seen him act like that!."
Chapter 1, p!.25

"If I were lucky enough to sit by you, I would have talked to you!."
Chapter 1, p!.26

Bella Swan:

"I’d noticed that his eyes were black – coal black!."
Chapter 1, p!.23

"I stared because their faces, so different, so similar, were all devastatingly, inhumanly beautiful!."
Chapter 1, p!.19

"I almost had a stroke when I rounded the corner and saw a tall, dark figure leaning against the side of my truck!."
Chapter 4, p!.76

"to stroke his perfect face just once in the darkness, nearly overwhelmed me!."
Chapter 11, p!.219

Edward Cullen ??:

"It’s better if we’re not friends!. Trust me!."
Chapter 4, p!.74

"It’s twilight!."
Chapter 11, p!.232

"You can sleep, sweetheart, I’ll carry you!."
Chapter 23, p!.457

"You smell so good in the rain!."
Chapter 17, p!.361

There are TONS more here! This is where I got all of them!

They have them all orginized in chapters! It's great!

Hope I helped :)


Um!.!.!.Twilight= Edward:Breakfast time! *Bella looks scared and covers neck* Bella AHHH! JK! Edward: Not funny! Let me clarify, Breakfast time for the human!.
also from Twilight: Alice: It sounded like you were having Bella for lunch, so we came to see if you would share!
From Twilight: Bella: I'm not scared of you!. Edward: You really shouldn't have said that!

From Twilight: Bella: How old are you!? Edward: Seventeen!. Bella: How long have you been seventeen!? Edward:!.!.!.Awhile!.

From Twilight: Alice: It sounded like you were having Bella for lunch, and we came to see if you would share!

From Twilight: Bella: Oh, I'm with the Vampires of course!

From Twilight: Bella: Look at this shoe! It's a death trap! *Edward looks longer that necessary* Edward: Remind me to thank Alice again for that!

From Twilight: Bella: I need another human moment!.
From Twilight: Edward: You are EXCATLY my brand of herion!
From Twilight: Edward: Of all the things about me that could frighten you, you worry about my driving!?

http://www!.twilight-quotes!.com/books/twi!.!.!. this should help!!Www@QuestionHome@Com