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Question: What is the difference in books that are available in the US and those that are in Europe!?
I want to get a book by an American Author, usually I just wait until it's released in Ireland or anywhere else in Europe, but this book doesn't get released here until January 2009 and I can't wait so I am going to buy it online!. I

s there a difference between books sold here and those sold in the US, this particular book has a different name here than the US version that's out over there at the moment!. is there anything else that's different!? will I still be able to read it and understand everything in it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think you'd be able to understand it!. Sometimes they just change little things to make it more culturally correct, for example using in the US the word sweater, but jumper or pullover in other countries!.

Sometimes they also change some of the spellings, like color to colour!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If the book was originally written in English, the differences are minimal, mostly in the way some words are spelled and the ocassional coloquialism!. If you read English you are not going to have any issues with the original version written in English!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well they change the vernacular, sometimes they make stuff more politically correct(its the scourge of a god book/movie), and yeah you can probably understand it!. I have read books i bought in ireland before!.Www@QuestionHome@Com