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Question: Stephanie meyer- author or artist!?
we have all read those books by now, but in what mind could something that beatuful be made!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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if you ask me both and shes not crapy she is brilliant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Neither!. I can't even think of Stephanie Meyer as an author, let alone artist! I feel she was lucky to have that dream and come up with the shallow, slightly pathetic first book that attracts teenagers and mothers that don't need a deep thinker or classic book, just a quick read, an obsession, and a guilty pleasure!. She was lucky at how much of a cult it created!. I just wish she cut her losses though, instead of making crappy novel after crappy novel until she came to her (hopefully) final failure; Breaking Dawn!. Please don't try to defend Breaking Dawn as a success, when 70 or 80 percent of her fan base and almost every reviewer in town will disagree with you!. Besides, how can anyone think of her as an author/artist after this whole immature Midnight Sun crap!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

While I enjoyed her books thoroughly (I couldn't put them down!) there are OTHER authors out there!. I'm slightly disappointed in this whole Meyer obsession!. They are really good books, amazing actually, but there are OTHER books out there!.

You see a lot of stories with vampires these days, (i!.e!. Blue Moon) and her stories sort of going with the flow in the aspect!. But what does make her different is how captivating her style of writing!.

She is a not a god!. Please, if you want beautiful, read some of the classics, listen to Mozart or Pachelbel, or turn to nature itself and watch the sunset!. It is an amazing book, but there are better things in life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well it was her subconscious mind, she had a dream when she was sleeping about a boy vampire and a girl sitting in a field and the boy was thirstingfor the girls blood!. so that's the mind!. i'm a fan too!. go to Stephenie Meyer dot com!. somewhere it will explain that!. :) Www@QuestionHome@Com

how about crappy author!? She didn't do anything original, or the best of her subject, so she's not an artist!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

she's neither!.Www@QuestionHome@Com