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Question: Edward Cullen Obsessed!?
is there anyone in the world as obsessed with Edward Cullen as I Am!?

i feel like im the only one!.
everyone is all "harry potter ftw!"


and i want to know is there anyone else as obsessed as i am!?!
i doodle his name over my notebooks!.

dont bother answering if your not a fan of twilight;
save yourself the typing!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Don't feel like you are the only one, because I am the same exact way! I have like 3 T-shirts that have Edward's quotes on them, and say TEAM EDWARD, and I have pictures of Rob Pattinson who plays Edward Cullen up on my wall all over my room! I love him! I love everything about his character! It kills me that people think he is abusive!. He is just trying to protect his girlfriend, well wife now, from a werewolf that can at any moment rip her apart! Omg whoever said that people just likes Edward for his looks, they are so wrong! he is the nicest, sweetest, cutest, protective character ever! Oh and he says the sweetest things <333! I LOVE EDWARD CULLEN, AND I DON'T CARE IF HE IS JUST A FICTIONAL CHARACTER!!!!!!!!!!! haha sorry about that!. I am crazy about him, well it is nice to know someone feels the same way!


I am! But not like that!. I like the books and the plot and his personality but I don't doodle his name!. Lol!. I think it's okay if your obssesed as long as you keep living your life and don't let your love for fictional vampires get in the way of the true love that you may find!. Dont wait around for edward cullen the vampire find your own! other then that keep the love im with ya!Www@QuestionHome@Com

well I'm not that obsessed, but he makes my heart melt lol!. remember he's just a fictional character, I'm a really big fan on the series, in fact my avatar right now has a wolf and a bat to resemble Edward and Jacob!.

and I'm soooo excited 4 the movie, I'm gonna make my own t-shirt that says"Twilight" on it!! the guy who's playing Edward is freaking hot!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really need to ask you something!. What do you see in Edward that is not based on looks!!?

Honestly, Meyer didn't even give Edward a personality--is he funny, witty!? No, he is just "oh-so-hot" Get over it!. You know why there aren't any guys like him in the real world!? Because he's fake!. It's like looking at a blank newspaper--Edward has no character!. He is very narrow and has no depth to him at all!.

Btw, i'm typing becaue i want people to see the truth!. Give me a thumbs down, but you know it's true!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"i doodle his name over my notebooks!." You, my dear, need some therapy!. :D lol!.

I'm definitely not in love with Edward Cullen!.!.!.with fictional characters, I just fall in like with them!. :D

I'm not the most obsessed Twilight fan, but I absolutely adored Twilight!.!.!.Just not the other ones very much!. (Don't kill me! Lol)

Harry Potter is rather stupid, don't you agree!? Harry's a wimp!. In the 7th book, Dumbledore did all the work, and he's DEAD! lol!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

OMG! Who doesn't love an abusive vampire with no personality!.
We have such great taste in guys don't we!?

Edit: Read Breaking Dawn!. It explains the who abuse thing!.
Why would you want to be with someone who took apart your car so that you couldn't go see your best friend!. Wow nice guy!.
He's a murder and wants to kill people all the time!.
What the hell is so special about a dead guy!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

me and all my friends LOOOOOOOVE HIM!
hes perfect
and amazing
and ahh!!

dont worry, you're not alone!
there r so many of us that love edward cullen :D

i hate ppl that r all "harry potter is better" argh ! they're just jealous we took their movie spot :PP haha!

go twilight!
go edward cullen!



I do believe you have just wasted five points!. If only fans of Twilight are going to answer, then every (or almost every) girl is going to say "OMC EDWARD IS TEH HAWTNESS" and you won't have any variety at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

after i read twilight i was really obsessed with him!. more than i was with Alexander Sterling from vampire kisses!. but them i grew up and now i just wish i could find someone like him in my life!. well except for the whole vampire thing!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

duh! of course im in love with him, i try not to obsess but yes i go around on the internet looking up stuff on youtube and such!.!. lol everyone i know who reads these books is obsessed, so no your not the only one!! lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

well right now i am only on new moon so i am kind of mad at edward and favoring jacob black, but i'm sure that could change since i still have 2 1/2 books left to read! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i am in love with edward cullen Www@QuestionHome@Com