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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What author do you think writes the worst book(s)?

Question: What author do you think writes the worst book(s)!?
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Stephenie Meyer and her Twilight series!. Seriously have you read her books!?!.!.!. Are AWFUL!. It's the most cheesy book I ever read, no romantic in any way, just Cheesy!. The characters are plan and boring, they have no personalities at all!. She abuse of the "big" words trying to sound smart!. The descriptions are to long, Five pages for describe a ******* kiss!. And did you know that in Twilight Bella describes Edward's beauty 165 times and each time more that two paragraphs long!?!.!.!. Her main character is a Mary Sue-Self Insert!. And the worst!. The Meyerpires are NOT vampires!. Lestat is a vampire, Dracula is a vampire, Alucard of Hellsing manga is a vampire!. Edward Cullen is a fairy, a beautiful, good, fangless, sparkling fairy!. She destroyed vampire mythology!. She destroys teen's brains!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Shayna T, what else have you read!? I read the LOTR series when I was 12!. I finished it in a matter of 2 school days, I was so hooked!. I totally understood it and thought it was the best fantasy book I had ever read!.
I dislike authors who write cheesy love stories that have been repeated 1000 times already!. I despise authors who have a one hit wonder book, and then fade into oblivion in the next 5 years!.
What I like are authors that I'm sure will stay true and will stand the test of time!. I'm pretty sure that in 100 years, books by authors like Tolkien, Lewis, King, and many other will still be respected, well read, and admired!. Can't say the same for Meyer and her pals!.

Christopher Paolini!. I read Eragon because my Mom bought me the book when it first came out and I was in middle school!. I've had it for how many plus years, then finally read it and it was HORRIBLE! Gosh, it was painful writing!. also, Henry David Thoreau!. I can't stand Walden!. Everything about what he did contradicted and condescended!. But I won't get going on that because that may take hours to end!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Guy authors that try to write from a female perception!. It's just sad!.

also people who try to write about something they have never personally experienced!.

A lack of diversity in books is a dead give away of a bad author!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hate Danielle Steele and Nicholas Sparks!. One writes the same sentimental drivel in every book and the other is just unintelligible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jack London!. People may call his books classics, but they are boring and hard to understand, considering they are from the 1800's, early 1900's, I think!. I absolutely hated reading The Sea Wolf!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nicholas Sparks---he writes cliches


Sue Monk KiddWww@QuestionHome@Com

that j!.r!.r!.tolkien guy!.

i couldn't even finish lord of the rings 3, it was so BORING!Www@QuestionHome@Com