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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Is anyone else feeling a little bit betrayed by Stephenie Meyer?

Question: Is anyone else feeling a little bit betrayed by Stephenie Meyer!?
Anyone else a little bit mad over Stephenie Meyer's reaction to the Midnight Sun leak!?
i mean, i understand she is mad and hurt and upset, but honestly,
she's letting about 3 million people down, at the most!. I understand
she has other projects to work on that she wants to work on, but
she also just said she's not in the right frame of mind to write, so
how would that work out, exactly!? I'm not Stephenie bashing, honestly
I'm really trying to avoid that!. I just want to know that I'm not the
only one feeling upset/betrayed/let down by the author that, before
August the 28th, i wanted to try and follow in her foot steps!.
please, twilighters, don't bite my head off!. I am a huge twilighter!.
Which, i guess is exactly why I'm rather upset over this whole thing!.
i want to hear both sides of this argument, people!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I do agree that it was her fault for the leak!. If she had been any smarter, she would have taken a leaf out of, say, JK Rowling's final book and only ever had one working copy that not even her family was allowed to see!. In fact, JK only ever had one single copy of her manuscripts, and no one was allowed to touch them--not her husband, her kids, or any of her friends!. And look what happened!. The seventh book was released with next to no spoilers, making the book so hyped up that it was insane, because, since there were no spoilers or released unedited manuscripts, that the release of the book was so secure and guarded to prevent any leaks from happening!.

Way to go JK, I give you a cookie for being smart about your best seller!.

If you let something that hot leak out to the public--even if they're friends and family--then you have to be prepared to face the consequences!. I'm not a Twilight fan, but I do feel incredibly offended and disappointed that such a person is not willing to admit to her own mistakes and must punish others for her screw up!. Life is governed and formed by free will and the consequences, whether good or bad, that result from when the free will is used!. A person's character is based on how they use their free will, and how they deal with the consequences following it!. In this case, it seems Meyer's character is very lacking!. If this is some sort of marketing ploy, then it isn't a very good one and will probably damage all her future sales--I mean, why read any more books from her, even if they're a different series, if she's going to freak out over a mistake stemming from her decision and suddenly quit writing for the new series!? Not very smart, Meyers!.

On the other hand, the people she gave the original copies of Midnight Sun to were most probably people she thought she could trust and who would be so thrilled to have the privilege to own and read a copy of a book that millions of others around the world would not see for months, that they would guard the copies with their lives!. This betrayal of one of those people leaking something so close to her heart out to the general public without her permission and betraying her trust probably made her lose the urge and the reason to write Midnight Sun, and so she's putting the book on "indefinite hold" in order to give herself time away from the pressure of writing it to get back in her groove, or whatever you want to call it!.

Anyway, just my two cents!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont feel betrayed, but i feel bad by her reaction, it was a bit crazy, i can understand how she feels but wow seriously right now James would win and all the Cullens would die!. a lil bit harsh,

but i hope you would still like to sign this petition on MidNiight Sun
thx : ]
i understand tht u feel betrayed as well, i hope you feel better though : }Www@QuestionHome@Com

My thoughts are!.!. as soon as she is over being upset about the leak, she'll get back to writing it!. I mean the whole leak thing was cool for the fans to have a sneak peek, but that totally sucked for her! Not to mention the fact that only people she trusted had received the drafts, that had to hurt her!. Give her a while to settle, and I'm sure all will be well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am not a fan nor a hater!. I have to say that the more I read in interviews the less and less I liked her!. I guess that having a public tantrum is her way of trying to drive attention away from the train wreck Breaking Dawn turned out to be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think she is realllyy letting all her fans down!. She's throwing a fit, but I'd be upset too if someone leaked my book, but it's like, maybe you shouldn't have given those copies out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. It almost makes her seem!.!.!.ungrateful!?
It seems like every time something bad happens she freaks and threatens us with something!. First the bashings of Breaking Dawn, and now this!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think she leaked them herself so that she could stop writing Twilight since the backlash of Breaking Dawn!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

sorry to stephanie, but its her faultWww@QuestionHome@Com

Not betrayed, as I'm not a Twilighter (I hate Twilight), but I think SMeyer is-- to be frank-- an idiot!.

You guys read that pathetic letter she wrote, right!? You do know that she basically blamed the discontinuation of MS on her fans, right!? She said something to the effect of, "I'm disappointed that my fans have read this so I'm going to shelve it indefinitely"!. That's COMPLETELY idiotic!. Smeyer is the one who CHOSE to hand out manuscripts of her book!. She CHOSE to take that risk by giving them to people!. Unless she has the IQ of a rock, she surely must have realized there was a good chance it would be leaked!. It's unfortunate that it was, but since it's such a highly anticipated book, does it really come as a shock that it was leaked!? It's sad that trust was broken between herself and the person with the copy, but what did she THINK would happen!?! It was bound to fall into the wrong hands! Instead of coming out and saying that she made a mistake in judgment by handing out manuscripts, she blamed it on her fans!. Way to go, Meyer!. You already alienated a huge portion of your fanbase with BD, and now you are alienating a lot of the ones who still love you!. She's acting how she did when BD got bad reviews-- by blaming it on other people and refusing to acknowledge her mistakes!.

She's acting like a spoiled child!. I can understand how an author needs to be in the right frame of mind to write well!. But her letter made her seem like an emotional, immature, self-centered crybaby who thinks she's some tragic martyr!. It seemed so "Woe-is-me"!. LOTS of authors have things leaked!. She's not the first person this has happened to!. I don't blame her for being upset about the leak (I'd be upset too!), but the way she is reacting is just stupid!.

And why in the world would she have waited for a week to tell fans it was MS!? If she would have immediately reacted-- say, posted the day after on her website that it was MS and asking fans not to read it-- most of the people who read it wouldn't have because they are "loyal to her" (or whatever term the Twilight Twinkies are using these days)!. Instead she delayed a week, leading many fans to believe it wasn't really MS, but instead just some fan fiction, so of course a lot of people read it!. I don't understand the logic of waiting a week to do something about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love Twilight! All the books are great! I am upset that she's no longer working on Midnight Sun though!. I understand her feelings but like you said she's letting tons of people down!. She should be more careful who she gives her manuscript's to!. I can't blame her for not wanting to finish Midnight Sun, but I like millions was really looking forward to reading it!. These things happen when you're a big time author like Stephanie Meyer!. She is a fantastic author and I sincerely hope she'll start working on it again soon! Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can't say I felt betrayed by her actions considering I'm not a fan, but I do think she reacted poorly!.

It was her choice to give out manuscripts to certain people, right!? It's her fault that one of them leaked the story, and it's ridiculous to consider halting the book's publication because of it!.

I hate how she also said she just isn't in the right mindset to finish Midnight Sun!. Please, spare us the drama!. Writing is a CAREER, not a hobby; especially when one has a fan base like hers!. I'm not entirely sure if she has a publishing company for Midnight Sun yet, but if she does, I can't believe they are humoring her!.

Stephenie needs to own up to her mistake, stop blaming the fans and start working on Midnight Sun once again!. If Steph actually did that, I'm sure she could gain some respect back!.Www@QuestionHome@Com