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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone know if Stephanie Meyer is going to publish Midnight Sun???

Question: Does anyone know if Stephanie Meyer is going to publish Midnight Sun!?!?!?
Okay, I know it said on her website that she probably wont publish it!. But does anyone know if she has changed her mind because I would really like to buy a final copy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I just read an article on this subject, actually, basically saying no!. Stephanie Meyer told Mtv that "for all intents and purposes, Breaking Dawn is the last book!." I'm pretty sure that is that, no publication of Midnight Sun (but that doesn't mean she won't post it on the internet)
I know everyone is going to hate me for this, but personally, I think she's being a brat!. It (accidently, I'm pretty sure) got leaked and she is taking it out on the eager, loyal fans who have done NOTHING! I feel that as an author she has a duty to take this drama out and do her job, write what all the innocent fans were hoping for!. For someone who says her fans mean everything to her, I think she really cares about her image/ego!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's been like 3 days since she announced this!. Give the woman some time to calm first before even asking if she will continue writing the book!. By the time she has made sense of this whole thing, she simply might not be interested enough in the series to continue with Midnight Sun!. It say she's gonna work on other projects in the meantime, and she might get more attached to them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She loves her fans and I'm hoping that after some time she'll forgive the person who stole it and publish the book for her fans!. I've glanced at the copy online (Stephenie has a link on her website) and it stops after the Port Angeles scene!. Let's pray!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She's too devastated right now!. She may never finish!. Give her time- this is a major crisis in her life, and people nosing about will just make her worse!.Www@QuestionHome@Com