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Question: Help with writing!.!.!.!?
I have ideas!. I have a plot!. I've had MANY over the years and I plan out details, small things that happen, and everything else you can think of!. But whenever I say to myself "You should really write today", I always think I need to develop my characters or plot more, need more ideas, or need to change something, big or small!. I can never sit down and just write/type!. I want to, I want to so bad, the ideas constantly flow in my mind, telling me what to write, but I get so distracted that I don't feel like it anymore!. But I don't when I plan out my story!. I've been telling myself that it's just writer's block, but I don't believe it anymore!. How can I make myself write without getting distracted!. How can I get in the mood!? Argh, it's just so irritating! I told myself that I was going to write many chapters this summer, but school starts on Tuesday and I haven't written one single chapter! Please help :(Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is always great to have lots of notes and outlining!. It really saves you the trouble of having to go back and rewrite because you aren't happy with something!.

My advice to you, Aliz-san, is try not to focus so much on needing notes!. Just sit down at the computer or in front of a notebook and let your mind drift into the world of your book!. Whenever I can't write or am experiencing writer's block, I go through different scenes of the story in my head and I find that I can write again!. There really isn't much else that helps me to get in the mood!. A great help is music!. Try to find music that makes you think of your story or of your characters and you'll find that it will inspire you!. Some days nothing will work and others you'll be shocked at the result!. All we writers can really do is hope and pray for more good days than bad!. Good luck with your book! I really hope that you will find inspiration!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If this is your first story, don't worry about every detail!. Just get an idea and start writing!. Just write what comes to you at the time!. That's what I did and I now have about 200 pages!. And don't worry about the characters or plot they end up forming themselves as the story goes!. Just think of a beginning, an understanding of the middle and somewhere where you want it to end and start writing!.!.!. and have fun! Don't stress!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i feel like i want to write but i put it off and never get to it!.!.!. it sux dont it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

It sounds like you do a lot of outlining and research!. But the only way to write is to sit down and write!. I generally don't make any outlines when I write!. I start off with an idea to get me going and then sit down and start writing, and I work out the rest as I go along!. You could try this!. Don't outline, don't plan it out, just go!. It may or may not work for you, but that's something you could try out!.

Another option is to pick a specific time to write and decide no matter what, you are going to sit down and start writing at that time!. You are not going to plan, you are not going to outline, you are going to write!.

You mentioned about getting in the mood, but I don't know of any professional writers who write only when they're in the mood!. There are some days when the last thing I want to do is write!. I'd rather do the laundry, clean my room, even wash out the garbage cans if it means I can avoid writing when I'm not in the mood!. But I sit down and write anyway!. Some days I only get out a sentence or two, other days I write out five pages and realize I was in the mood after all!.

So try writing without planning, or pick a specific time to write every day!. Whatever you do, sit down and write as much as you can whether you feel like it or not!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com