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Question: The House on Mango Street question!.!.!?
I have to do a book report on it, and I really don't get what the differnece between 'why' and 'what' is!.
I already did the rest, so if someone could please help me with the who and what, it would make everything so much easier!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wait, what exactly is the question about!? I'm somewhat confused, but I did a term paper on Sandra Cisneros and focused a lot on the house on mango street, so I may be able to help you if you clarify your question!.

Why would be explain the reasoning behind something, like the reason why esperanza did something in the book, who would be the character that did something, like which character did a certain action in the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

now i get it :D

what and why!.

what is the story about!? THE HOUSE ON MANGO STREET, mainly mango street
who is the story about!? esperanza cordero
i don't get the why either =/ sorry D:Www@QuestionHome@Com