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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What is your most favorite part in the Twilight, New Moon, or Eclipse by Stephen

Question: What is your most favorite part in the Twilight, New Moon, or Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer!?
I am just curious! I honestly don't know what my favorite part is! I love all the books!

I just started Eclipse, *please no spoilers*Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ooooh too many good scenes, I just can't choose --

Twilight: the meadow scene, the hospital scene, and all the kisses, etc!.

New Moon: when Bella says "riding lessons" and Jacob's pervy friends take it the wrong way so Jacob smacks them in the head, haha! also, of course, I love the part when Edward and Bella are together once again!.

Eclipse: the tent scene and Bella's "hormones raging" scenes (you'll see!.!.)

There's just too much to choose one!. That's just a very, very brief summarization that I just told you (: Enjoy Eclipse!. You'll love it! It's one of my favorites!. Breaking Dawn is my favorite, ahh so cute!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight: The chapter when Bella is half-unconscious and thinks Edward's an angel!. The irony just makes my day - that Bella thinks him an angel and he thinks he's a monster!.

New Moon: A couple!. All of the angst, the werewolves, when Alice comes back, when Edward destroys the television!.!.!.

Eclipse: All I'm going to say is broken hand and "No, Emmett, I punched!.!.!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

oh well my favorite book out of all four is TWILIGHT then ECLIPSE then BREAKING DAWN then NEW MOON but i honeslty dont know my favorite PART but i do really like the part in new moon when edward is in bellas room and is asking her to many him and i like the part in twilight were carlisle is stiching bella up in the ballet studio and she starts screaming cause she has venom in her!. and i have others but ill respect your wishes and not give anything away!. ENJOY THE BOOK I NOE YOU WILL!! =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

After all the thousand times I’ve told you I love you, how could you let one word break your faith in me!?

I could see it in your eyes, that you honestly believed that I didn’t want you anymore!. The most absurd, ridiculous concept—as if there were any way that I could exist without needing you!

i cried lol

Save Midnight Sun


Twilight: Bella and Edward trying to get to know each other, Alice and Bella!.

New Moon: Jacob is love!.

Eclipse: Jacob is still love despite him acting like a jerk!. Alice is always fun!. Speaking of Italy and the cars I stole there!. ;) Www@QuestionHome@Com


Every Thing that happens after the meadow scene!!! lol i am having a hard time too :)

New Moon: When Bella and Edward reunite!!!!!!

Eclipse: I would tell you but i don't want to spoil it for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight: The whole Port Angeles thing with Edward or when they're sitting on the piano bench together

New Moon: When Bella and Edward are back together

Eclipse: My favorite part of the whole series is in this, but I won't tell you!.


uhhh, i loved in new moon when edward left :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

When Edward dies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com