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Question: What do you do to get a book published!?
I have only just begun writing my first book, and I was wondering what I have to do when I am done to try to get it published!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There are tonnes of other questions about this that people have already asked if you search for it!.

But the general gist of it is this:

-Get everything absolutely perfect!. This means editing over and over again until you're either fed up with it or can't do anything more with it!.

-Present your novel in manuscript format: this means double spaced in 12pt Times New Roman or similar with a header or footer, no lines between paragraphs-instead use an indent at the beginning of a paragraph!.

-Write a synopsis!. This is a straight forward explaination of the plot, with no holes and no cliffhangers!. It should always have an ending!.

-Research publishers and/or agents!. Having an agent is almost essential into today's market!. An agent will get you a book deal, negotiate with publishers and sort out the legal side of things!. Get a good book with listings in it, research each one and make sure you correctly submit your material to them; this usually means sending them a brief cover letter (with a few sentences about your book, any writing credentials you might have, etc) a synopsis and the first three chapters!.

-Expect rejection again and again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there r like some publishing rules of sumthing, i think u hav to rite sum stuff down and evrythin and u find that at a publishing site (use google)
and after that just mail it to a publisher of ur choiceWww@QuestionHome@Com