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Question: Stephenie Meyer's Midnight Sun Anybody !?
I have read the news about the leakage - and , honestly ,I am rather !.!.no !.!.!.Very upset about the person who have posted it on the internet - whoever he/she is , he/she really dashed my expectations !.!.

Lots of my friends here and I really want to know if anybody know how can we give our support to Stephenie , or whether anyone is signing any sort of internet encouragement to her !.!.!.!.!.

We really want Stephenie to know that we though the leakage is a serious matter , we still look forward to MS and would give our full support to her !.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I agree it is really upsetting!. No Midnight Sun! I was so looking forward to it! Here's a list I read on a Twilight fansite of things you can do to show your support!.

"With regards to the events of the Twilight fandom recently, we, the administrators of several websites, have heard your pleas requesting something be done to support Stephenie!. So, to answer the question of "what can we do" that we have heard repeatedly over the last twenty-four hours, we propose the following list of suggestions!. Feel free to participate in one or all of the events!.

1!. Post this for your MySpaces, Blogs, LiveJournals, website sigs etc!.

(It's a banner showing support for Stephenie, go to the link for this)

2!. Write a letter to Stephenie at

Stephenie Meyer
c/o Author Mail
Little, Brown and Company
237 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10017

3!. Participate in a "We support Stephenie Meyer" video!. All you have to do is send a picture of yourself showing support to twilightthanks@gmail!.com and put "VIDEO" in the subject line!. Be creative with your show of support, but make sure it is a still photograph and not an actual video!. We will take the photos and make them into a video that will later be posted on You Tube!.

4!. For those of you graphics people who want to do something, we have another idea!. We are going to make a virtual quilt!. Send a 200 X 200 support graphic to twilightthanks@gmail!.com and we will work it into a virtual support quilt!. Make sure you put "QUILT" in the subject line!.

5!. On Saturday Sept!. 13, in honor of Bella's birthday, wear a twilight themed t-shirt to show your love of the series!. If you work or have other obligations that won't allow you to wear a Twilight shirt, wear all black, white, and red to show your support!.

All entries for the video or quilt must be submitted by Wednesday Sept!. 3, 2008!. You are certainly welcome to do one in each category, but that is by no means a requirement!. also please submit each item in a separate email as it will make our sorting go faster!. If there is some sort of detail we left out that you need help with, email twilightthanks@gmail!.com with "HELP" in the subject line and we'll see what we can do!.

This post is brought to you by the administrators of:
-His Golden Eyes
-The Twilight Lexicon
-The Twilight Moms
-Twilight Series Theories
-Twilight Teez "Www@QuestionHome@Com

This may not the right answer to what your looking for but Stephenie Meyer has decided to now take a break from writing the end of MS, which means that the release date has been also set back from summer of 2009 to winter of 2009, and depending on the amount of time she breaks for it could come out as late as fall 2010, but I'm pretty sure ite would take that long!.

also I think its horrible that MS leaked but I have decided to read it!.

I'm not sure you really can do anything, but send her messages on myspace saying how you support her and her decisions!.

thats all I know!.

I posted earlier about this!. I am very upset and frustrated as well at this disrespect!.

There is no direct way to reach Stephenie but I encouraged everybody to e-mail Seth, her brother, and the guy who makes her site spiffy!.

Be right back with the e-mail address!.


Somebody leaked it onto the internet!?
Oh wow!. Dude who would do that!?
I don't know what you could do!.!.!. sorry!.
Someone is probably working on something to help Stephenie out!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

go to HisGoldenEyes!.com and you will find EVERYTHING you need to know about supporting Stephenie right now! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com